Church Magazine and Newsletter

Work in Progress.


We recognise not everyone within congregations is a Life and Work reader. Therefore, to encourage new subscribers and keep people connected through the pages of the Church of Scotland magazine, we share details of our latest subscription offer.

 Print: 12 issues for the price of 10 offer price £30 – enter code EAST22 to receive £6 discount.

UK delivery address and new subscribers only.

 Digital: 12 issues for £14.99 (normally £20.99) no code required – simply select the introductory offer option.

Anyone wishing to take advantage of the offer savings should visit The offer is valid until 30.04.22.

Subscribers to Life and Work support the vital and vibrant work of our Church while keeping connected with the Christian community in Scotland, and further afield. We hope there is an opportunity for you to share news of this promotion with others and we thank you for your support.

Best wishes
The Life and Work Team


Newsletter_ Summer Digital Edition

Living stones news letter Mar 2021  Linkage Newsletter – 31 March 2021

Living stones news letter Jan 2021  Living Stones Update from Waqas 25th March

Living stones news letter Jan 2021  News Letter Jan 21 UK 2 (1)

Linkage news letter 21 Jan 2021 edited

Last week we were directed towards Neil’s Reflections from the Quay. This week I have a new offering from our Ministry Team! 

A Very Country Christmas

“A Very Country Christmas” is an entertaining series about Advent and Christmas customs in different parts of the UK. Episode 1 is in Highland Scotland, and features filming and interviews at Fortingall with Neil Hooper, church member and local historian, and Robert Nicol.Now available on BBC iPlayer. Will also be repeated on BBC2 on Monday 21st at 4.15pm. 


Services – There will be YouTube and Zoom services – full details will be available in next week’s newsletter.

Light a Candle – If you have already received your Christmas Card and Newsletter, you will have read that we are encouraging everyone to consider putting a candle in their window at 6pm on Christmas Eve. Thank you to the amazing team who made these deliveries.

Let the Bells Ring Out at Christmas – We are planning for the church bells to be rung at all our churches at 12.00pm on Christmas Day.

Private Prayer

 Dull and Weem Parish Church every Sunday 9.30 – 10.30am.

Logierait Parish Church 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month 10.00am (Dec. 20 )

Strathtay Parish Church 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 11.30 am (Dec. 13 & 27)

Please check the church websites, just in case there are any last -minute changes.

Dull and Weem –

Grantully, Logierait and Strathtay  –

Connecting Scotland – Winter Support Fund

The Scottish Government recently announced a winter support fund for at risk communities. As part of this support fund, we are opening Connecting Scotland applications for organisations working with older people and disabled people who are living through social isolation and loneliness.

In this round we will be offering iPads and MiFi devices with an unlimited data allowance for up to 24 months.

As a successful applicant to Phase 1 of Connecting Scotland, we would like to invite you to apply for additional devices for people you work with who may meet this criteria and have an urgent need for this support.

Applications will be open until 18th January 2021. However, any applications received before 11am on 18th December 2020 will be assessed for devices to be delivered in early January. Applications received after this date will be assessed for delivery in late February or March.

You can read the full guidance for applicants and complete the application form online.

Please note that this application round is targeted specifically for organisations working with digitally excluded older people or disabled people. There is a separate application form for people working with families with children and care leavers.

Breadalbane Community Larder

As you may know, Breadalbane Community Larder has been Aberfeldy Co-op’s ‘FoodShare’ partner since March, taking ‘Best Before’ and ‘Use By’ food which would otherwise be thrown away or sent to their bio-digester.  Not wanting to lose this valuable partnership, we will continue to collect these items and have this food available outside the rear of the church building for people to come and help themselves during Larder opening times (11.00am -12.30pm each Saturday).

 We are also be piloting two other ideas:

  • alongside the ‘FoodShare store’ on a Saturday morning, customers can come to the Larder and collect items from the stock indoors, for a nominal fee. This reduces the stigma and helps maintain customer dignity
  • emergency deliveries of food parcels will continue. This service can be accessed by calling 0345 30 111 00 Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm

If you know of anyone struggling to make ends meet please let them know about the support provided by Breadalbane Community Larder.

The Larder is a joint initiative of several local churches and also involves members of the local community.  If you would like to be involved please contact the team on 07513 652597 or email

Future Service Plan

December 13 – YouTube with Rev. Robert Nicol

December 20 – YouTube and Zoom from Logierait with Rev. Geoff Davis

December 27  – YouTube from Tenandry with Rev. Geoff Davis

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Two Zoom Services are being arranged for Christmas Eve (details to follow)

YouTube – Nine Lessons and Carols from all the Upper Tay and Tenandry Churches.


January 3 – YouTube from Dull and Weem  –  Rev.. James Simpson

January 10  – YouTube and Zoom from Aberfeldy – Neil Glover

January 17 – Robert Nicol

January 24 – YouTube from Strathtay – Neil Glover

January 31 – YouTube from Tenandry – Neil Glover



We recognise that for many the current restrictions and uncertainty can make life very stressful. The ministry team are able to offer pastoral support, but for a few this may not be enough. Perth and Kinross Council have an excellent directory of services. You can type in:

Perth and Kinross Mental Health Directory 2020 or hit the hyper link below.


Contact details


Neil’s email –

Neil’s mobile – 07779 280074

PA – Judy Ewer –

Mobile – 07836 565528

Linkage newsletter 060920

community newsletter 7 June 2020

04-06-20 uUse of Church Premises 

GLS Magazine April May 2020

Early April Community Newsletter 08 Apr 2020 – digital

Grantully, Logierait and Strathtay


October – Logierait at 10.30 am
November –  Strathtay at 10.30 am

October / November 2018
Our Charity Number:  SCO 04275

Dear Friends,

If you were stranded on Radio 4’s famous Desert Island – which songs would you choose as the eight songs you were permitted to take you.  I would be interested to hear?  For me there would have to be a something by 90s rockers Oasis and the Stone Roses, probably Penny Lane is my favourite Beatles track, Dancing Queen by Abba is the greatest pop song ever in my view, Sunshine on Leith by the Proclaimers, from Classical music I would choose Aaron Copland’s Appalachian Spring, a Partita by Bach and something grand sounding but I haven’t worked out what (Beethoven’s Emperor Concerto perhaps?).

Of course, by the time you have come up with the list, you then think of things that you have completely missed out – how would I make room for Eddi Reader’s version of “My love is like a Red Red Rose”, or something by the Wild Goose Worship Group which I sang in for many years (possibly a South African Freedom song like “Freedom is coming” – quite apposite for a desert island).

On Desert Island Discs, after you’ve named your songs, you are asked what book would you take (you already get given the Bible – more on that in a minute – and the Complete Works of Shakespeare)?  I really struggle with that, since books – probably even more than music – have shaped my life considerably.  Probably the book I would go for would be Iain Banks’ Crow Road – it’s a homage to Scotland and to home – and left me moved to tears when I read it during my year in India back in the 1990s.

As a Church we are shaped by our music (most people would struggle to name their five favourite sermons, but struggle for completely different reasons to name their five favourite hymns) and above all by our book, the Bible.

It was the invention of the Printing press, and the ability to produce Bibles which fuelled the Reformation.  The ability to write the story of Jesus in such a compelling way fuelled the rise of early Christianity, and it was the ability to hold to a book that has held the Jewish people together over many centuries.  My old religious studies teacher used to comment that the Nazis had got very few things right, but one thing they correctly understood was that the identity of Judaism was tightly bound to books, and if you wanted to attack Jews, then one of the most effective ways of doing would be to burn their books.

So books shape us, and for Christians above all, that means the Bible.  Which is why in the last couple of months of this year, I’ll be encouraging us to a section of books from the Old Testament (see the notice below).  There’s a reading plan that you can sign up to, and two versions of the Bible that you can choose from.  The Bible is a challenging book – I think it’s meant to be like that.  I distrust anyone who says they instantly agree with every verse – we’re meant to chew, to interpret, to try to comprehend, to be changed by these ancient words.  I love the words that the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland uses when presenting the newly crowned British Monarch with a Bible – “here are the lively oracles of God.”

I do hope that as we spend time reading our book, the Bible, we will be shaped, inspired, informed and renewed.  These are words that give life, these are words to live by.

Always a privilege to be your minister, and in Christ,

Neil Glover

PS – for the Desert Island Discs luxury it would have to of course be an unlimited supply of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk chocolate.

Community Bible Reading Experience
From the 21st October through to the 16th December, I will be inviting us to read through a section of the Bible together.  This is through an initiative called the Community Bible Reading Experience, and involves us reading large sections of Scripture in its original format (no verses or chapter numbers) through the week at home, with the opportunity to discuss with others, and also to reflect on those passages at the morning service.  Those behind the initiative talk about allowing the Bible to move from the Head to the Heart.

We are already covering the beginning of the Bible in our current section of preaching, so the plan would be for us to read through the part of the Old Testament that Jews call the Writings – this is the section of the Old Testament that comes at the end of the Hebrew Bible.  The books in the Writings are Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Ruth, Chronicles (1 and 2), Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Lamentations and Daniel.  I’ll be explaining a little more through September, and look forward to reading those parts of the Bible with you.

National Day of Prayer
The Church of Scotland are calling all our congregations to a National Day of Prayer on the 3rd November.  Once again, I will be looking to hold some prayer events in our own Churches, and after consultation with Session and others, announcing arrangements in due course.

To help us get ready for this, here is a prayer for the occasion written by this year’s Moderator, Susan Brown:

You who led your people through the wilderness
to the promised land,
who carried the faithful through the throes of Good Friday
to the joy of Easter Day:
Hear us as we pray for your people today,
in this land
and at this time…

When we fear what lies ahead,
when we feel overwhelmed by the task
of pointing people
to your love
and mercy:
Remind us that you are a living God,
still at work,
still planning and promising…

When our heads go down
and our shoulders droop:
Lift our eyes
that they may look into yours
and see there a love

Sunday Club news……Sunday Club news……Sunday Club news…
Our Sunday club members have had a great time in the new session, looking at bible readings, playing games and activities, and crafts. As usual we are using the weekly bible passage from the minister to guide our focus.   Our weekly get-togethers are an important part of the life of the church and for our individual members- each one brings something valuable and contributes to the ethos of the group, encouraging us to be better people, kinder and more considerate.  This sets a good example to us as adults. All young people, aged 3-onwards in the parish are welcome to come along and join our sessions.  For information please contact: 01796 482252 or just come along on a Sunday morning.  Remember we are generally term-time only.  Thank you.
MSherriffs and Cmeldrum

Transport to Church
Transport can be provided by volunteer drivers every Sunday to Logierait and Strathtay Churches.  Please contact Isobel Cairns if you would like to take up this offer.
Also, volunteer drivers – please pass on your contact details to Isobel.

Blythswood Shoe Box Appeal
2,189,832 shoeboxes sent since 1993.  It is that time of year where we invite our congregation to donate items for the Shoebox appeal.  The appeal asks for gloves, hats, scarves, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo (250ml maximum), pencils, pens, notebooks, socks, candles and the like.  We are so grateful to those of you who give so generously.  As always we are also happy to accept monetary donations either to add to the shoebox items or to assist with transportation costs.  Leaflets with specific details are available in both churches.  Many of the items you donate are practical gifts that make a difference to the lives of adults and children in countries where life is difficult. In 2017, the shoeboxes were delivered to Eastern European countries.  Please help us to help them again this year.  We would be grateful if shoeboxes could be completed by Sunday 28th October 2018.
MegButler, Mary Sherriffs

Sponsored Walk
Thank you to all who took part in our annual sponsored walk at the end of June. We were blessed with good company and good weather. A welcome cup of tea and some very nice cakes were enjoyed at the walkIn  Cafe in Spittalfield afterwards. Thanks also to Stewart Sherriffs who drove the minibus for us.An excellent £1290 was raised for church funds.
Sandra M

Jus de Pomme!
Now the word on the street it that the orchards of Grantully, Logierait and Strathtay are groaning with apples this year! This will come as no surprise after the wonderful Summer we have all enjoyed.
Rather than leave them for the wasps, Myra and I have come up with a fund raising idea to make use of your surplus fruit and it would be terrific if you can support the project.
Also, if your neighbours have a goodly supply of apples, do ask them to participate. I would urge you not to go ‘scrumping’, or you may find yourself in hot water! Please see the following extract:
On the 16th September 1908, a man named Joseph Ford, of Watford, was brought up before the court at Bushey to answer to a charge of unlawfully stealing “a number of apples of the value of eight pence” from the garden that was situated on the property of a Mrs Kynaston. As punishment for his crimes, Mr Ford was ordered to pay a fine of two shillings and sixpence to Mrs Kynaston to compensate her for the apples he had taken from her garden, as well as the further sum of two shillings and six pence for costs, to be paid to the court by the 30th September 1908.  The judge then also ordered that, if Mr Ford failed to pay his fines in on time, he would be imprisoned at His Majesty’s pleasure at St Albans gaol for one week of hard labour.
Now, back to the matter in hand!
I am lucky enough to have a traditional apple press and would be delighted to produce fresh apple juice for sale, with the proceeds going to church funds.

And here is where you can come in – please can you pick any surplus fruit and deliver it to Derculich. It doesn’t matter if the skins are pitted or the apples are of varying size – they all get pulped together.
It doesn’t matter what sort of apples they are, whether they are eaters or cookers, Coxes or Bramleys, Blenheim Orange or Worcester Permains. They all make the most delicious apple juice.
I’m also after washed out plastic milk bottles in one and two litre sizes
The best place to leave them is under the archway at the garages beyond the house.
I aim to start production later this month and will freeze the juice (hence the plastic bottles) take orders and arrange delivery in due course as the second and more remunerative part of the project!
Hope you can support this.

Perthshire Open Studios
Perthshire Open Studios took place this year from 1st – 9th September.  Thank you to all who supported this important Church fund-raising event.
We had varying days of emptiness and business but, the excellent end result of £1936.80 was an increase on last year’s total.  Sales of teas were up on last year and the bakers generously provided many more offerings than in previous years when they were asked.  We had new faces in the crafts area, who proved very popular, as well as the regulars.  We sold 13 paintings, which was a big increase on past years, so that was also pleasing.
Already I have my eye on three more artists for 2019, actually living in the immediate area, so, with a lot of support from the congregation we hope to carry on next year, God willing.
• Lesley Thomas

Piggery Brae Concert
What a wonderful evening in the Mid-Atholl Hall, Ballinluig on the 15th of September, when we were entertained by Piggery Brae, from Cambuslang.  It was well attended and there were even people in the audience from Holland.  We were entertained with familiar folk songs, comical songs and ballads and a lot of “Glasgow banter”.  The group have a great sense of fellowship together and it came across how much they enjoy what they do.  The group received half the door money for their charities, which are MacMillan and the Chas Hospice. The remainder went to church funds.
I wish to express my appreciation to those who helped to make the evening a success. Mary S. and Stuart, Frances, Isobel C, Sandra M. and Meg for their help in setting up the hall; Frances, Mary K, Meg and Isobel C, for serving the scrumptious supper; and to those who provided the goodies. Also to Sandra M for door duty selling tickets. Thank you – we could not have done it without you all.
Lastly thank you to all who attended and to Neil for bringing the Piggery Brae lads to GLS.  If you ever get a chance to see Piggery Brae in concert give yourself a treat and go  – you will not be disappointed. Haste ye back boys.
Margaret Ross

“Life and Work”– The magazine of the Church of Scotland.
When Margaret Wilkinson was the administrator for the Life and Work magazine each church had a co-ordinator to deal with the orders, but when she retired and the job was taken over by her successor the co-ordinators’ title was changed to promotor. So it is now my job to promote the magazine as well as take the orders and have them delivered.
The October issue arrived today so here is a flavour of it’s contents from the front cover;
“The Year of Young People”:  Reflections on the part of the Church in the celebration of the young.
“Gifts of the Land”: Churches making creative use of the land based resources.
“Journeying Together”; Second part of focus on new Church of Scotland Guild projects.
“I Feel My Faith Permeates Everything I Write” Poet and Author Kenneth Steven.
Not only is there an article about the year of young people but also they have contributed to the “Big Question” including a contribution from Alison Kennedy Youth and Community Worker Cambuslang: Flemington Hallside. Plus the report from the Youth Assembly.
If your interest is photography then the Big Picture in the centre page spread might entice you to contribute your own, or view the best online at / life and work.
John Hume’s monthly article on the history of our many and varied churches and their architecture is always of interest. As are the pages on News, Parish News (you might want to contribute) and World News, the letters and book reviews.
There is always an article by the Moderator of the General Assembly of the current year, the Rt. Rev Susan Brown of Dornoch Cathedral, as well as a variety of articles by other clergy on a wide choice of subjects, biblical, spiritual and ethical. Then there is a prayer and a profile of a person of interest.
Last but not least are the two crosswords. I don’t understand the Cryptic one but the other one I find has me reaching for the Bible, the hymn book index of first lines, the dictionary and the atlas both old and new. It gives the old Three score year and ten+ brain a good work out!
So if you have never adventured into the pages of Life and Work now is the time to take the plunge and consider ordering a copy. You might want to share a copy with a friend and split the subscription between you.
All orders should be with me by the end of October, but we will not ask for the 2019 subscription of £31.00 until envelopes are issued in the February/ March or April / May Church magazine.
Marie MacLeod

Beatitude for the Aged.
Blessed are they who understand my faltering steps and palsied hand
Blessed are they that who know that my ears must strain to catch the things they say.
Blessed are they who seem to know that my eyes are dim and my wits are slow.
Blessed are they who look away when coffee was spilt on the table today .
Blessed are they with a cheerful smile who stop to chat for a little while.
Blessed are they who never say you’ve told  that story twice today.
Blessed are who know the way to bring back memories of yesterday.
Blessed are they who make it known that I’m loved,respected and not alone.
Blessed are they who ease the days on my journey home in loving ways.

TEARFUND:  Toilet Twinning
2.3 billion people don’t have a loo!  That is a staggering! Imagine how it feels to have no toilet available at any time.  A great gift for the one who has everything?

World Mission
Here is update on “Let Us Build A House” Project.  90% of buildings in Odaching District were destroyed in the 2015 earthquake, including every school, either damaged or destroyed.  Over 10,000 people have benefitted from Livlihood training, support of microcredit to set up small businesses and improve agricultural practices.  Water, sanitation and hygiene schemes have been built as well as trauma counselling facilities. Thirty-four school blocks (72 classrooms) have been built using earthquake resistant techniques, all of which have safe drinking water and latrine blocks.  See more at

“Written by our Session Clerk following the St Mary’s service and the church picnic ”

The final Sunday in July
Saw the month ending on a high
A formula which never varies
The annual service at St Mary’s
We gathered in the ancient kirk
Indebted, for their splendid work,
To Stuart, et al, who brought the seating
To Meg responsible for greeting
The worshippers when they arrived
Ensuring that they all survived
Seeing their heads remained intact
Not on the ancient doorway cracked
Sandra and Mary inside the door
Dishing out copies of CH4
Margaret for managing the switch
(The lights stayed on without a hitch)
And who was at the epicentre?
William, our perfect pitch precentor
As Nigel kept proceedings going
The place was full to overflowing
More than three score and ten attended
A service altogether splendid
And earlier we’d had our fill
When we foregathered at Woodhill
Where, thanks to all the sandwich makers,
The cake, meringue and tray-bake bakers
We had a jolly get together
Sadly indoors thanks to the weather
But in the end that didn’t matter
We all enjoyed a friendly natter
Refreshed with Myra’s fruity Pims
Which later guaranteed the hymns
Were sung with customary gusto
Up at Pitcairn where we did muster
With friends who came from far and near
And hope we’ll do the same next year
Another perfect demonstration
Of how our little congregation
Can pull the stops out for the kirk
Can rally round and make things work.   Andrew Calder

The Lord’s my Shepherd, based on the 23rd psalm, is one of our best known and well loved hymns.
It can be sung to many different tunes, including Brother James’ Air, Wiltshire, Orlington, Covenanters and perhaps the most famously to Crimond.
Do you remember in Strathtay, a few years ago, we sang a different tune to each verse – all very confusing!

I have to say, Crimond is still my favourite, named after a little village in Buchan in Aberdeenshire – where incidentally, I used to go pigeon flighting!
I was pleased that Nigel Henderson, our former Interim Moderator and newly appointed Moderator to the Presbytery, chose the hymn for our annual St Mary’s service.
And even more so when there was an unexpected ringing of the descant in the last verse – what a wonderful sound  of praise we all made!

It took me back to the most interesting radio programme I listened to a few years ago. It is still available on BBC iplayer and if you have a spare half hour, do listen to it.
This is the internet reference:
The programme reminds us that Crimond was played at the Queen’s wedding in 1947 and that the descant was only added at the last minute, by the skin of its teeth.  When the Queen insisted on the inclusion of the descant there was a panic as noone in London knew it. In the end, one of her Ladies in Waiting was dispatched to Westminster Abbey to sing it to the Director of Music so in turn he could teach it to the choir, all the day before the wedding!!

There are quite a few other tales about the psalm – including how the theme to the Vicar of Dibley came to be written!
Do listen to it.                                                 William
Carol Supper at Derculich – reminder

Thursday 20th December, starting at 6.00pm. Further details will follow in due course, but if you are interested, please note this in your diaries now, to avoid disappointment.
There will be places for 50 which will be on a first come, first served basis when the tickets are available on 1st October.
I’m hoping we will have an evening of good cheer with plenty of carols, recitations and the like. Wendy Bailey has kindly agreed to deal with the main course, whilst Frances and her team will compete for the title of Pudding of the Evening! We will probably have our £5 promises and other fun items. Please put your thinking caps on!
Do hope you can make it.
William Jackson

Prayer thoughts provided by Meg and Sandra B.  Volunteers required for future months please!

Prayers for October 2018
Week 1
Give blessings for the baptismal service on October 7th.  Pray for the parents and families to love and nurture them with support from all others who may have care of them in the future.

Week 2
Give thanks for the work of Tearfund in this their 50th Anniversary of helping and supporting people in their need.  From the provision of clean water, renewable energy, toilets and safe hygiene practises, to earthquake resistant homes and schools, climate change issues and much more.  Bless all their volunteers.

Week 3
Give thanks for 25 years of The Blythswood Shoebox Appeal resulting in so many generous people filling shoeboxes for others who have so little.  A gift from someone they don’t know, giving them so much joy.

Week 4
Pray and give thanks for the very many services which Crossreach provide:  for their homes caring for those with dementia, hostels for homeless men and women, The Daisy Chain Project in Glasgow to support children, Dochas housing support in Lewis, Perinatal Care and much more.

Prayers for November, 2018

Week 1
Give thanks for our Church.  We give thanks for our ministers who work tirelessly to support us in our Christian journey.
Pray for all the officebearers and church members that they will be encouraged and supported within our fellowship.

Week 2
Give thanks for our veterans who gave of their best when called upon to serve and protect our country.
We pray for peace throughout the world.

Week 3
Pray that our Communion service will be a meaningful time for our congregation and that we will come prepared to commune with God and to receive his blessings.
We pray that we will hear the voice of the Lord and will be led by him.

Week 4
As we approach the period of Advent, we pray that we will not be too stressed and busy.  We pray that the forthcoming events will not overshadow the real meaning of Christmas.
We thank you for the gift of music and give grateful thanks for all those who volunteer to play the organ each week in our church.

October Calendar
Services at Logierait  at 10.30
Sunday, 7th Morning Worship.
Sunday 14th Morning Worship
Sunday 21st Morning Worship
Sunday 28th Morning Worship

November Calendar
Services at Strathtay at 10.30
Sunday 4th Morning Worship
Sunday 11th Armistice Day.  Service at Ballinluig War Memorial at 9.45.
Morning worship at Strathtay at 10.30
Service at Strathtay War Memorial at 12 noon
Thursday 15h Board and Session Meeting.  7pm in Logierait
Sunday 18th Communion
Sunday 25th Morning Worship
December / January Magazine available on
Sunday 25th November 2018
Items for inclusion should be sent direct to the editor by
Sunday 15th November, 2018
Editor—Sandra A Batty
God give me sympathy and strength,
And help to keep my courage high.
God give me calm and confidence,
And, please, a twinkle in my eye.