Sunday Club

Sunday Club 12/05/24 Luke 24 13-35 Travelling together. The Road to Emmaus.

etape 2024The Etape cycling event takes place on 12th May in and around Pitlochry. Hundreds of cyclists take part in an event together, cycling around Highland Perthshire. This made me think about travelling alone and travelling with others and what happens when people join us on a journey. In the bible, after Jesus has died, two people are walking to Emmaus and are joined by another- eventually they realise it is Jesus. Watch the video link to find out more.

What journey have you taken alone? A walk to school, a walk to your local park? What makes it better with having someone with you? Is it that you can play together, or just chat about anything and everything? Remember that even if you think you are alone at times, you are not, Jesus is walking beside you. This week’s task is to simply walk/journey with a friend- be kind, be a good listener, share in worries and share in the happy things in life. Perhaps you and friend could even go for a cycle!

Here is a quick Quiz, relating to the Bible story- watch the video with family and then ask these questions:

1. Where were the two men walking to?

2. What were the two men talking about when they were walking?

3. Who came and walked with the two men.

Sunday Club news 05/05/24   Nehemiah 2 v18  “Let’s start re building.”

CairnNehamiah was a Jewish man who worked in Persia for a King.  Nehemiah was from Jerusalem but had to live away from home.  He became very sad to hear that the city walls and gates in his home town of Jerusalem, were falling down and broken.  Nehemiah prayed to God to be allowed to return to Jerusalem to help rebuild the city.

Sometimes we have to rebuild things- fix a new path in the garden, mend a broken toy, rebuild a lego model, tape together a torn piece of paper.  Rebuilding a wall is very hard and  it must have taken the people of Jerusalem a long time, but whilst doing this, these people were working together in the name of God.

If you have something wrong or worrying you in life, pray to God that he might help you.

Task this week is to try and work together (with family or friends) to build a something- it might be a bit of lego, or a fancy playdough castle, or simply a small cairn of stones- placing pieces together to make something special.  Send us a photo if you manage to do this.

“Let’s start rebuilding” our work and time together as part of God’s family.

Sunday Club news 28/04/24    Fruit of the Spirit (Patience)God’s Story

a spring fruit“The Lord is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come.” 2 Peter 3 v9

Watch the video

God shows patience to us all even although, at times we forget Him, or ignore what He wants us to do.  Think about times when we have had to wait… any ideas… eg waiting for your birthday to come around; waiting for parent to take you to a friends’ house; waiting for your tea time, or waiting as you learn how to do something!

Your task today is to think about how many times you have to show patience.  Now think about how WE can show patience with:





Our prayer:  Dear God, as we remember all the times You have been patient with us, please help us to be patient with others. Thank you.  Amen

Sunday 21 April 2024

a runner“Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.” Exodus 20 v8.

The story of athlete Eric Liddlle shows us how he demonstrated his faith as he strived to follow God’s instructions. Eric took part as a runner in the 1924 Olympic Games. 100 years on his story is as important as ever. What a life he had, as a sportsman, family man and Christian. Find out a little bit more about his life by watching the video.

Eric tried to live a life as directed by God, showing passion, integrity, and compassion. If you do not know what these words mean, please ask a grownup or look the words up in a dictionary. Today’s task is together with your family, create a list of sports and or sportsmen and women who have shown any of these qualities- passion, integrity or compassion. We would love to hear your ideas. As an alternative, you could simply draw all the sports where you think you see kindness and sportsmanship.

Sunday club 31/03/24 The Easter Story

an egg 24Happy Easter to you! This week we have a lovely story book, written by J John, called “The Easter Story”. It explains the importance of Jesus and the story of his life, his death and resurrection. The Easter Story

This Easter weekend, we hope that you can enjoy rolling an easter egg to celebrate Jesus coming alive and being part of our lives. Our church sends you and your family special Easter blessings.

cross 23

Sunday club  24/03/24  Palm Sunday… what a welcome!  Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem.  He asked two of his disciples to go to a village and bring him a donkey!  What a strange request and why did he need this?  Watch the video clip and see what happens.

The crowds in Jerusalem where delighted to see Jesus and waved branches to celebrate his arrival.  Your task this week is to think about what we might say to Jesus if he arrived at your home today? Would you invite him in, make him welcome?  Remember you can  really invite Jesus into your life everyday, just try and follow his example- be kind to others, treat everyone well and talk to God through prayer.

To celebrate Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem this Palm Sunday, make your own palm branch out of paper or design your own flag to wave!  If you make one do share it with us. a leaf

Sunday club 17/03/24 Jesus teaches us to pray. Matthew 6:5-15. The disciples bible24.jpgwatched Jesus praying and they asked him to teach them how to pray.  Jesus told them, “What matters most is that you love God.  Pray in secret and don’t try to impress anyone else.”  Jesus said “keep your words simple and remember that God knows what you need.”

Praying hands

Prayer is the important way that we communicate with God.  Sometimes God might not answer our prayers in the way we would hope, but God always listen to what we have to say.  We can pray to God anytime and anywhere.

Our task this week is create our own prayer.  Perhaps a grownup will help.   You could play a game using a triangle and ask your family to add their own thoughts and make a prayer together.

Try using the plan below.

Dear God                                                    Screenshot 2024-03-16 223331

I thank you for…

I am sorry that …

Please help …

Dear God, I thank you for the chance to spend time with my friends.  I am sorry that I have sometimes forgotten to show kindness to others.  Please help me to help those who have little food and water in our world.  Amen

Sunday Club 10/03/24   “As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you”  Isaiah 66:13

a Flower 24The story of Mary, Mother of Jesus.  Today is mothering Sunday and so it seems right that we hear about Mary, Jesus’s Mum.  Watch the video and hear the important part Mary played in the life of Jesus.

Mary was a believer of God and tried hard to follow his teachings and spread the word.  Like Mary, we should try and live a life where we celebrate God and share his beliefs of kindness and serving others.  Your task this week is to draw a picture of flowers (perhaps in a vase or as a bouquet) and write the bible verse at the bottom of the picture :  “As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you”  Isaiah 66:13

Give your drawing/picture to someone else as a gift and share this bible message of Gods love.

Sunday club 03/03/24 Jesus’ miracle, Water into Wine.  John2: 1-11

JarJesus was at a wedding in Cana and after lots of celebrating, eating and drinking, the hosts ran out of wine. Mary, Jesus’s Mum asked Jesus to help.   Watch the video to see what happens:  This event was Jesus’s own miracle. Can you think of anything that seems like a miracle to you today?

Prayer:  Dear God, we thank you for the miracle of each new day, that the sun rises, that the flowers grow, that the buds on trees flourish into blossom.  There are so many more miracles that come from God.  Please help us to be aware of the world you have created and the chance to love our families, friends and strangers in a way that speaks of His plan; a world without pain, suffering and hunger.  We ask this in your name.  Amen

Activity:  Design your own water jar for Jesus- create a picture outline and write down any miracles that you see this week and are thankful to God for.

Sunday club 25/02/24 “ Follow me”  Mark 1 17-18

mamabishop: FishermenJesus calls his disciples

Simon and Andrew spent a lot of time with Jesus.  They were good friends. In this story you will hear how Jesus had other friends too, called disciples.  Jesus asks that we follow him, in how we live, how we pray, how we share the story of the bible.  God promises to always be with us and help us when we need it.

This week, think about your friends and what makes them a good friend to you.  As a game you could play “Follow the Leader”- create a course outside for your friends to follow or just play “Simon Says”.  If you don’t know these games, ask a grown up.

Take a moment to listen to song, I will make you a fishers of men:

Sunday Club 18/02/24 First Sunday in Lent.  What is Lent and how was Jesus Calendar Lent 24tempted in the wilderness?

In Mark 1:12-15 we learn that Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days.  During this time, he was tempted by the devil.  Jesus was also hungry, thirsty and afraid.  We all need help in our lives at some time.  We can pray and talk to God for his help and understanding.

Watch this next clip and see how Jesus was tempted and how he asked for help from God.

For Lent we could try to pray for something every day.  Ask your family to help you come up with 40 things to pray about and use your ideas for each day of Lent.  Here is an example to create your own ADD LENT Calendar … Day1: Pray for everyone in the world to have clean water to drink. Day2: Pray that I can be kind to someone else today. Day3: Please help us to care for our environment.  Hope you come up with an exciting version of your own ADDLENT calendar.

Sunday club news  11/02/24 Baptism of Jesus

A Dove 24“As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him.” Matthew 3 13-17

Watch the short story to see Jesus as he was baptised and look out for the dove that appears.

Baptism is an important part of a Christians life.  In the Church of Scotland, the adults of a baby being christened, publicly state their own faith and promise to give the child a Christian upbringing.  Everyone can e a part of God’s family.

Try and make your own dove- you could draw it or make it out of origami.  Watch the video to find out how to do this…

Sunday club 04/02/24. Jesus as a Child.  “Jesus continued to learn more and a dominoe effect 24more and to grow physically.  People liked him, and he pleased God.” Luke 2: 52

Jesus was an ordinary boy growing up with his family, Mary and Joseph in a town called Nazareth in Galilee.   He will have played, walked and talked with friends, laughed and cried.  Joseph was a carpenter and Jesus would have spent time with him working with wood.  God was a central part of their lives.

Watch this part of the bible story:

This week’s task is to make a list or draw pictures of all the things you like to do as a young person, it might be playing on your bike, kicking a football, reading a book, playing chess, drawing, swimming, playing with toy cars, playing in the garden or the park.  Now, ask a grown up what they liked to do as a child.  Are they the same?  Together choose a game or activity that you can do with your family or friends.  Think of Jesus as he was growing up as you do, surrounded by family and God.  You, as a young person will be learning and growing, with God alongside you, you are preparing for your future.  Enjoy each day.

Sunday Club 28/01/24    Signposts in the bible…Remember the birth of Jesus?  Luke 1: 30-38.

signpost 24The bible gives us many hints or signs about what is to come and these are like signposts to guide us.  In the clip we see that Mary and Joseph are told what is ahead of them and that Jesus is the son of God and he will be great.  God wants us to follow his ways.

Your task this week is to draw your own signpost pointing in a direction you want to go and where would that be? Towards friends and family, to your local church, to somewhere special that means something to you?  Wherever this might be, God will be helping us along our path.   For an outdoor activity this week you could be in your own garden or space and use small twigs or leaves, making arrows to point in directions, creating your own trail to follow, perhaps leading to a pretend hidden treasure. In the coming week, look out for all the signposts that you follow to help you find your way and remember that God is with you.

Sunday club news: 21/01/24  The Trinity: three in one. Matthew 3 13-17

trinity 24In this bible story we meet John the Baptist, cousin of Jesus. Watch the video and learn about the Trinity and the baptism of Jesus.

Through the bible we learn that there is “God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit”.  In Jesus’s baptism, we hear the voice of God the Father; God introduces his son saying, “This is my own dear Son, with whom I am pleased”, we know then that this is God the Son;  as Jesus was baptised in the water, the heavens opened and God’s Spirit came down like a dove”, this is God the Spirit.   God is three in one, The Trinity. It is a difficult idea to think of God as three in one, so here is a way to remember:

God the Father – person who created everything and is a Father to all people.

God the Son– is Jesus, the person who lived on earth, like God, as a human with stories to help us understand God’s love and hope for us.

God the Holy Spirit– this is where God is around us each day and within us. It is like a presence that we might feel or see.

Think about God as water- water can be ice, it can be a liquid or it can be steam, but it is still all the same… water.

The activity today is to enjoy the short video and find three pieces of ribbon, or string and ask a grown up to help you pleat them together.  You could make a bracelet or a book mark to remind you of God as three in one.

Sunday Club 14/01/24 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”  Genesis 1

frost picture 24The bible tells us that God created the earth and that Jesus is part of this world.  We have just celebrated the birth of Jesus at Christmas. We will likely have spent time with our families and at the beginning of the year we might have talked about all that we did last year and all that we hope to do in the year ahead.  We can reflect on all that has happened and hope for all that will be good.  God asks us to think about the world in which we live and how we behave in this world.  What are you going to do to appreciate this beautiful world?moon light 24 You and your family could take a moment to be cosy outside and look up at the stars or you could look out for a pattern of frost on the grass, in a puddle, know that God has created it all.  If you do take a photo, please share it with us.

Watch this short video to learn more about God creating the world.

Sunday club 17/12/23   the story of the Mary, Joseph and Jesus  Luke 1 v26-31 shares the moment Mary discovers God’s promise that she will have a baby Presentsnamed Jesus.

In the Nativity story we learn about the three Kings as they take their gifts to the baby Jesus.  Your task this week is to take a piece of paper and write three things that you want to give to Jesus or to do for Jesus in the coming year. You can do this as a family or with friends.  It might be to do something nice for someone else, to find joy in something every day, that you continue to find out about God through reading the bible or you could promise to pray every day.  Good luck choosing your gift to give to Jesus.  You should make your note, put it in an envelope, decorate it and place it under your Christmas tree.  You could open and share this with your family on Christmas Day.

Sunday club 10/12/23    Christmas trees.   Listen to the story, The Christmas Pine written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Victoria Sandoy. It is a Christmas Pinelovely tale:

I chose this story because it tells of trees and reminds me that the natural world is so important to us and we should never take it for granted, but instead we should take care of the resources that God’s world provides. My other thought about this book is how the story of Jesus birth is woven into it, through songs.  Which bit of the bible story is in The Christmas Pine story?  Do you need help from an adult to answer that?  If so, please ask them.  For the other part of today’s task we ask that you speak to your family and create a Music score Christmas song list, including hymns about the birth Jesus and make a top 10 of your favourite, but remember you need to include hymns….. some suggestions might be… Away in a Manger…Silent Night…The First Noel, We three Kings of Orient are…While Shepherds’ Watched Their Flocks By Night… Hark the Herald Angels Sing… Happy Singing as you put up your Christmas Tree and remember the real story of Christmas, the birth of Jesus.  Matthew 2:1-2, Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the King, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem saying, ‘Where is he that is born King of Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.”

Sunday Club 3/12/23 Saint Andrew- his day and why. Watch the clip to find out about Saint Andrew.

saltireAs one of the disciples, Andrew was a close friend of Jesus.  “As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed him.” John 1: 39-46

The flag of Scotland is recognised around the world.  This week’s task is to create your own flag of Scotland.  You could draw one or you could make a flag out of natural materials from outside, like leaves etc.

Sunday club 26/11/23   Luke 15 1-7

sheepIn this story, a sheep is lost.  The owner leaves his other 99 sheep and looks for the lost sheep until he finds it and brings the sheep back.  He shares the good news with his friends and neighbours.  Jesus never gives up on a lost sheep.

Task:  please think about things that can go wrong in your life and the things that make it better.  We are part of God’s flock and know that we are valued and loved- what a wonderful thing to remember especially when we are feeling lost.

Perhaps you could draw a sheep to remind you that Jesus will always look out for you wherever you might roam.

good samaritanSunday Club 19/11/23  The Parable of the Good Samaritan

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’”  Luke 10 25-37.  The bible tells this story of Jesus to remind us that our neighbour is anyone in need of help.  Who are you able to help today.

On a piece of paper draw around your own hand, and write a kind thing you could do for someone else each day this week.  Dear God, please help us pray for everyone who is in need of your care, your love and kindness.  Help us to help them.  Amen

mum poppyRemembrance Sunday 12/11/23 Here is a short video to watch with your family and also a link for a colouring-in activity.

Dear God, we ask that you help us to bring peace to the world. Amen

colouring in poppy 2      colouring poppy 1

a Poppy field“Blessed are the peace makers, for they will be called children of God”  Matthew 5:9   Sadly there are many wars happening across the world.  Please watch the video link about Poppy Day.

Now, make your own poppy, out of card/use paints or pencils and share with us a photo if you can.

 Through reading the bible, in the story of David, we learn that he was running from King Saul.  David sent some of his own men to ask Nabal, a local landowner if he would share food with them.  Nabal said no and was offensive to David and even prepared his men to fight David. However, Abigail, Nabal’s wife was a kind and clever person.  She visited David, taking food with her and asked David not to attack Nabal, even although he had treated David badly.  David did not attack his enemy and instead kept peace.  1 Samuel 25

During this week, please read and share this prayer for peace:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:

where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

where there is sadness, joy.

O Master, grant that I may only seek, as much to be consoled as to console,

to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.  Amen.

Sunday club 29th Oct 23

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”  Jeremiah 29 v 11

Wonder if you are making plans for a Halloween party or thinking about what you might like to do when you grow up, or where you might like to go on holiday?  Sometimes it is difficult to know what to do for the best, even in our daily lives.  The world is a big place, with so much going on and so much that we can do with our lives.

29 oct 23God will help us with our plans, even if you don’t know what we should do.  God values each one of us and everyone has gifts that we can offer to God.  Our task this week is to look at a map of the world- choose a place on that map and pray for the people of that nation.

Dear God, we pray for the most vulnerable people around the world, we pray for those who are in the shadow of war, those who suffer from the impact of climate change and poverty, help us bring comfort and rest through our own small actions and prayer. We ask that you surround each person with your love.  Amen

Sunday club…  15th October 2023.  It is holiday time so let’s share a song together… watch the Candlesfollowing clip and join in with “Let it Shine”  remember that wherever you are or whatever you are doing we can show in our own ways that we are part of God’s hope for the world.

Matthew 5:16 – “In the same way, let your light shine so others can see it. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will bring glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

08 Oct 2023

Plate 23Sunday club news…The Parable of the Farmer and the Seeds

It is harvest time just now, when we think about farmers, the important work they do, the weather and how it affects our food as it grows. This Bible story tells much more by comparing the growing of seeds to our lives as we grow; revealing that we need good roots and care to thrive. That care can come from God if we let it, so allow him to be part of your life- share in faith through learning the bible stories and prayer. This week’s task is to make a Thank You Plate, like the one here and add in what foods you are grateful for. This gives you your own Harvest Prayer. Happy October Holidays!

Sunday Club 01/10/23  God is our refuge and our strength,  a very present help in trouble.

KeyPsalm 46: 1    Mary, Joseph and Jesus had to seek refuge:

Refuge- A place or situation that provides safety or shelter.  Where do you feel safe?  At home, in the garden, at church?  What do you need to feel safe?  Your family perhaps, some items that bring you comfort- a favourite toy from when you were younger?  A small reminder from a special holiday eg a stone, a photo.  Thursday 5th October is National Poetry Day.  The theme is “refuge”.  As a family, please look at this powerful poem to help us think about the world and the “refuge” we offer others. Thanks to Poet Brian Bilston for sharing this poem through the National Poetry Day website.

Dear God, bless all those who journey to seek safety and shelter.  Amen

24/09/23  The Blythswood Shoe Box Appeal

shoebox 2023God hopes we will walk in his footsteps and try and be like him.  By giving gifts and useful items through the shoebox appeal we are trying to show kindness to others, just as Jesus showed kindness to those who were poor or hurt.  Why don’t you try to fill a shoebox with the help of family.  Look at the link below and you will see ideas of things you can include and further details.

3rd November is the pick up date for shoeboxes from Atholl Baptist Centre, Atholl Road Pitlochry.  If you need a shoebox, please get in touch through our

If you like games, you could try and play “following a leader” outside.

Sc Busy Hands  17/09/23   Acts 9:36-43

What are you wearing today?  Where do you think it was made?

Dorcas lived in Joppa.  This bible story tells us that when Dorca died, those around her talked about the clothes, shirts and coats she made for others.  She was a kind a person and believed in Jesus.  She sewed many items for other people.

Dorcas’ hands were kind hands, useful and caring.

Task for this week is to ask about where things are made.  Where is your jumper made?  Your jacket, I wonder who made that, who makes the material, who sews it?

Is there someone in your family who is like Dorca- someone who is always showing kindness.

Make an outline of your own hand on a piece of paper and write down the kind things that you are going to do this coming week as a reminder of Dorcas and her way of living that shows our love of Jesus.Hand shape

Sunday Club 09/09/23   Huram’s skilled hands  1 King 7 13-47

This bible story gives a detailed description of the building of King Solomon’s temple where people could come and worship God.  The bible passage tells us that a man called Huram was very clever with his hands and made beautiful things for King Solomon and the temple.  Huram does not get too much of a mention in the bible, but he was a person who was very skilled in working with metal and bronze.

Your hands, your belief in God can create beautiful things.  What can you do?  What can your family members do?  It might be baking, painting, growing things, drawing, knitting, sewing or writing.

This week let’s think about Haram and what he made.  Your task is to:

  • create/make something beautiful for someone.
  • and/or to find something made of bronze or metal work. Do share any photos you have with us.   Here is my photo of a bronze item, a wee statue.Bronze statue

Remember the small things that we do for God might make others come to know him.  As we try to keep our churches going across the land, imagine that we are all trying to build a house where there is beauty, and all are welcome.

This video shows what they think the temple looked like and how it is described in the bible:

Sunday Club news…. It is Easter Sunday…. Let us celebrate…  Listen and watch the story or Read the bible story, Matthew 28 v1-20

cross 23 “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

This week’s task is to make sure you take a picture of your decorated Easter egg and share that with us and if you want to make an easter basket then watch this video clip:

Remember that you are invited to our GLS Church Easter Service at Strathtay Church, 10.30am  on Sunday 9th April and take part in decorating an egg ready to roll!  After the service there is a picnic to which you are most welcome to join us.  Come and roll your egg, take part in some Easter games and share a lunch with us. egg

Sunday club news… 02/04/23 Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday. For this week’s activity arrival at jerusalemwe ask that you watch this link, and see the beginning of the Easter story, starting with Palm Sunday. Mark 11, 1-11.

You could make your own palm leaves-like those that the crowds put down in front of Jesus as he rode into Jerusalem. palm leaf

This link shows you how to make a type palm leaf.

Sunday Club 26th March 23

Sunday Club 260323 Lazarus hurt and hope.

Mary and Martha were devasted.  They had been full of hope when they sent word to ask Jesus to come, when Lazarus, their brother was sick.  They knew and understood that Jesus loved Lazarus and that Jesus had the power to heal him.  However, Jesus didn’t come straight away.  Lazarus died and Jesus arrived, days later.  They must have felt sad and hurt.  See in the story that Jesus cried. The story can be found in the bible: John 11 1-53

We all face sadness and hurt in our lives, sometimes we cry.  Those tears show how we feel and at times help us heal.

Think of a time you have been sad or hurt and cried.  What made you feel better?  Sometimes tears bring us hope that things will improve.  God offers us hope today, tomorrow and in the days ahead.  Pray that any sadness you have today, will be wiped away by our tear below. Perhaps you could make a prayer of your own.

Now listen to this song – it is full of beautiful things and gives us hope for God’s world.

Tear dropwords for tear drop

Sunday Club 190323  Jesus washes his disciples feet  John13: 3-14

window stainedThis story shows what Jesus did for his disciples- he washed their feet- as though he was wiping away their difficulties and mistakes. This is a humble thing to do, getting down on the floor and washing someone else’s feet.  This act reminds us that God is with us every day.  Can you think of a way that you met God today eg seeing the beautiful sunshine; drinking clean water today at a meal; did you meet a stranger who was kind to you?   Did you meet a friend who just treated you well?   God hopes that we will treat people well and work for others.

Our task this week is to show God’s love.  It could be in how you treat someone.  It is Mother’s day on Sunday- do something extra kind for someone but do this on behalf of God. It could be listening to a friend who is worried about something.  You could put a “promise” into an envelope and give it to Mum or someone else.

Say the Lord’s Prayer:  Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is Kingdom, the power and glory for ever.  Amen

Listen to the song “Man Looks on the outside, but God looks on the heart:

Sunday Club 12th March 23

Sunday Club FairTrade for all 12 March 2023  Leviticus 25:35-36

If any of your fellow Israelites become poor and are unable to support themselves among you, help them as you would a foreigner and stranger, so they can continue to live among you. Do not take interest or any profit from them, but fear your God, so that they may continue to live among you.”

Check out “A Fair Future Episode 1 – The climate crisis isn’t fair” from Fairtrade Schools on Vimeo.  The video is available for your viewing pleasure at   If you like this video, you could share it with others.

Grantully, Logierait and Strathtay Church likes to use FairTrade products when they can.  Look at the link to find a few suggestions of what we can do to support Fair Trade.

Did you know many food items are available in our local Coops eg bananas, chocolate bars, divine chocolate, sugar etc.

YOUR TASK:  Make your own Family list of Fair Trade products that you could use at home…and then add them to your next shopping list.

Need ideas?  I have found, fair trade roses, tissues, toilet paper, cleaning products, tea, coffee so far.

Sunday Club 5th March 23…”I have heard about your faith”. Watch the link and discover what a change took place in Paul’s life in this bible story.

This year’s World Day of Prayer had Taiwan for the focus. In Ephesians1: 15-19 God talks about faith and love for all God’s people.

The people in Taiwan use headwear. It can represent part of their culture. A head wreath is made by entwining flowers and leaves into a circle. It represents a symbol of unity. The meaning of a wreath varies, depending on different occasions.

Go to the website for World Day of Prayer Scotland and you will be able to see further resources/suggested activities.

This week perhaps you can make your own head dress out of paper with a pattern of flowers or you could draw yourPattern own version of a natural style head dress for Scotland. You could simply draw your own flower and colour it in.

We look forward to seeing your pictures.

Sunday 26/02/23

What can we do, to think about Lent? “In the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.  Lent 2With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6: 18

Lent is the time before Easter, lasting forty days.  During this time, we prepare to celebrate Easter when Jesus was raised from the dead.  Lent is the 40 days when Jesus spent time in the desert, where he was tempted by the devil.  Now during Lent, Christians try to take time to stop and think about their life and pray.   What can we do, to think about Lent?  We could give something up for a time or we could do something positive… here are some suggestions:

  • Give up eating chocolate or a favourite snack for the 40 days.
  • Pray every day.
  • Write a kind note to someone each day.
  • Save a penny each day and then give it to a charity.
  • Draw a tiny picture every day to share God’s world. Once completed give the picture away.

Find out more about Shrove Tuesday and Lent by using the link below

Sunday 19/02/23   Walking together.

“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and my salvation. 2 Strio of stonesamuel 22:3

Our Church of Grantully, Logierait and Strathtay serves the area of Tulliemet, Dalcapon, by East Haugh, Moulinearn, Guay, the villages of Ballinluig, Logierait, Grandtully, Strathtay and all bits in between.  We each have a place where we feel we belong.  In difficult times it helps to walk along side our friends.  Your Church is here for you- whether here online, in Logierait or Strathtay Church. Please come along and share in our community.

Your task is:

Go for a walk today, pick up a stone, imagine that this stone is like a problem that you are worrying about, throw the stone safely away- careful where you throw it of course!

Or keep the stone as a reminder of a special person.  You could take the stone home and start to make your own cairn- to remember people or a special place. You could do this with your family.stones

We can build a community together.

Our Prayer:  Give thanks for the rocks and stones we see around us and for the strength of God- our rock.  Amen

Sunday Club Activity 12 February 2023

IMG_5891Sunday Club …”Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8a.

Valentine’s day is in a few days’ time.  God asks us to love one another.  There are different types of love:  parent to child; child to parent; brother/sister to each other; love of grandparents and families; love of friends, love of strangers and love of someone special.  Listen to the short story about Happy Valentine’s Day Mouse by L Numerous & F Bond

Your task this week

  • Think about those that you love and why you love them.
  • Make love hearts using paper and hide them around the house for others to find OR
  • Use a large piece of paper to cut out a heart shape. Keep it in your home and ask everyone to note down a favourite song about “Love”.
  • Listen to this family singing a short song of “Love is Patient”.

JigsawSunday Club 05/02/23

”Let’s connect” is the theme for Children’s Mental Health Week, 6th-12th Feb 2023.

The week encourages us to look at how we make meaningful connections.  As part of the local Grantully, Logierait and Strathtay Church, one way is through our faith but we also link with other groups and organisations.

God tells us as Christians to encourage others by treating one another with love and kindness as well as serving others.

What do you do in your community?  Are you in the Cub Scouts or the Brownies?  Are you part of a football team or swimming club?  Today’s task is :

  • to make a list of the groups you are part of. Do you try to bring kindness to that group?  You might be the person who makes a difference in another’s life.
  • Watch the video link which tells the story of the Invisible String- all about who we connect with and how.
  • Make your own jigsaw or use one you already have, to remind you about connections. Watch the video for ideas:

“Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and do good works.” Hebrew 10:24

Sunday Club 29/01/23 Freedom

handsFreedom is important to us all. In the Bible we learn that God helped Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt to be free, but it was a difficult journey. Exodus 14:19-31

Holocaust Memorial Day takes place on Friday 29th January each year and reminds us that 6 million Jewish people were murdered alongside millions of others, killed under Nazi persecution. (see Holocaust Memorial Day Trust website for further information). The Jewish people suffered at the hands of others during the second world war. God hopes that we will use our hands for good.

  • Please watch this short video which tells the story of Moses leading his people from Egypt.
  • Can you name the areas of your hand: palm, fingers, thumbs, fingernails, and knuckles?
  • Draw around your hand on a piece of paper. Make a finger prayer about using our hands for good.

Here is a prayer to give you an idea…

Dear God,

Thank you for my wonderful hands that can do so many

different things.

please help me to have hands of kindness,

hands that work and are useful.


Song:   He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands:

Sunday Club 22/01/23  Birds, the bible and RSPB

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”  Matthew 6:26 (NIV)

IMG_5832[577]God tells us to value our natural world and the birds within it. The bible reminds us that we should not want to gather our money or things just to be rich, as God knows what we do need in life. God wants us to have Him in our lives and know that sharing what we have, amongst others is important too.

Today’s task is to

You could make a bird feeding ring- using wire and fruit etc- like a kebab!

Sunday Club 15/01/23  New beginnings: “Rise, take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt.”  Matthew3: 13

a smileThis is the third Sunday after Epiphany.  Jesus has been born, the three wise men have visited him and returned home but making sure they did not return to King Herod.   Often at this time of year we think about new beginnings and for Mary and Joseph, this must have been a difficult new beginning. Watch this clip to see what Mary and Joseph do next.

What does this new year mean to you?  Do you have a plan to take up a new sport, get your homework done on time, keep your room tidier?  We might want to say that “I will be kinder” or “I will try and be a good friend”.  What ever you do, God wants us to know that we can begin “anew” whenever we wish, don’t wait until a new year, just start it today and God will be with us as we try to be a better person to ourselves, to our community and live as He hopes we would.

Your task this week:

  1. choose something to change or improve in your life. Here are some ideas: be kinder, be a better friend, pray every day, do something for someone else each day.
  2. Make a picture of a happy face to share with us as part of our new beginnings.
  3. Dear God, bless each of us as we try to be a better person, still loved by you. Amen

08 Jan 2023

star sceneSunday Club 08/01/23 Epiphany.  Epiphany is the name used to describe the time after the birth of Jesus- the story of the Magi (Kings) as they followed the star to find baby Jesus.  Once they had handed their gifts to this new born King, the Magi  chose not to go and see King Herod as instructed but headed home by a different route.  Matthew 2:1-12

Watch the wordless short animation about the Magi and see if you can tell the story in your own words.

I wonder what this part of the story might mean to us today?   Your task this week is to take time to look at the night sky and the stars. Take a photo of this if you can. Think about what wonderful things God has created for this world:  share this with us along with your photo.

Pray:  Dear God we pray that together we can bring light to the world.  Amen

If you would like to find out a bit more about Epiphany around the world, then have a look at the link below:

Sunday Club news   18th December 2022 The Nativity

The Nativity is the story of Jesus’s birth as told in the bible in Luke and Matthew.  GLS Church at their service on Picture1Sunday 18th December, at 10.30am, will be hosting a Nativity service which will include the story as a short play with hymns and readings.  Here is a story book version.

Share this part with the grown-ups.  At the GLS Church services, both in Strathtay Church, on18th and the Watchnight service there will be a special collection for Shelter Scotland (a charity for the homeless).  Have a look at this snakes and ladder game to find out more about homelessness:

The special collection will be shared with a second charity called, The Lighthouse, Perth.  This service is offered toPicture2 children and young people 12years+ who are at risk with their mental health.  Young people in Highland Perthshire benefit from this service. See information

Happy Christmas when the time comes.  Best wishes from all at GLS.

Sunday Club 27/11/22 First Sunday of Advent

KingsAdvent takes place in the weeks leading up to Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus.  It gives us the chance to prepare for his coming.  Each week a candle is lit in church to represent something.  The first week represents Hope.  In the run up to Christmas we might be hoping to receive a nice gift, but advent reminds us that there are other important things to hope for… can you make a list?  It might include that you are hoping for Peace instead of the wars we hear about, or it might be we hope for all people to have clean water.  Write a list of your Hopes and talk to your family about these hopes see what they think.

Watch this short video to find our more:

Sc 4 Dec 2022  Week 2 of Advent

Peace:   What does it take to make peace?

Around the world there are conflicts and wars.  In our country there are disagreements.  In our homes we might argue.  Peace can restore a balance in our lives.  It might be a quiet time at home; it might be that we write to governments asking them to stop wars; it might be that we pray for peace in the world.  What will you do for this Peace week of advent …

Here is a prayer you might use

God of love,

We pray for peace in our world, and an end to war.

Instead of hatred, let there be love.

Shelter your children and protect us.

Guide us and keep us from harm,

so we can build a world of love and live our lives in peace.



Or write a postcard on a piece of card, asking for a way to keep peace at home or in school, then pin it to your fridge so that you see it every day.

Look at this special online advent calendar with a grown-up.  We think they will like it.


Sunday Club 27/11/22 First Sunday of Advent

Advent takes place in the weeks leading up to Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus.  It gives us a starthe chance to prepare for his coming.  Each week a candle is lit in church to represent something.  The first week represents Hope.  In the run up to Christmas we might be hoping to receive a nice gift, but advent reminds us that there are other important things to hope for… can you make a list?  It might include that you are hoping for Peace instead of the wars we hear about, or it might be we hope for all people to have clean water.  Write a list of your Hopes and talk to your family about these hopes see what they think.

Watch this short video to find our more:


Sunday Club news 20/11/22 God’s Story: the bible.  Book Week Scotland is celebrated this week and so bible storywe should think about the book of the Bible.  The Scottish Bible Society works in 200 countries worldwide.  Their aim is to provide Bibles and other materials to promote and spread the Word of God.  Today’s task is to think about your favourite bible story? Make a list of the stories that you and your family know. Share the list with us if you like.

Also look at this video about the Bible.


Sunday Club Armistice Sunday 13/11/22

“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.  Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends,” John 15:  12-13

Remembrance Day takes place on 11th November each year and is held to remind us of all those who have died in war, those who fought in wars and all those currently involved in conflicts around the world.  We also remember their families.  Watch the film below to find out more:’s-new/film-archive/the-poppy-story-book

Look out for poppies that you see in the community or visit a war memorial or a war grave.  Take a moment to pray for all those lost and for the freedom that they have given us.

Dear God, please give courage to those in the army, the navy and the air force. Bless all who protect and are kind to others.  We ask that you take care of those who have lost a loved one.  We pray that one day there will be peace in the world. Amen

Sunday 06 November 2022

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller. 

Rugby.   What has that to do with Sunday Club?    Perhaps you know that The Autumn International Test is a series of rugby matches played each year between Northern Countries and Southern Countries of the World. There will be a team of winners and a team of losers.  Sometimes not winning in a game of any sort, is difficult.  God tells us that working together, supporting one another even in sport, can show our faith: be kind, be understanding, patient, encouraging and work hard. Team sports really allow us to do this.  Further information for families can be found at:

Today’s task is to:

  1. Make a list of all the sporty things you do eg football, gymnastics, cycling, swimming etc.
  2. Think about what you enjoy about that sport, how you help others in your team/group. Ask a grownup about any sport they do and how they feel about working as a team.
  3. Design your own rugby ball and add in a prayer…
  4. rugby ball

Sunday 30 October 2022

The Bible  30 Oct 2022

“Your word is a lamp to my feet; And a light to my path.”  Psalm 119:105

See the source imageIn the Bible you will find stories of hope and adventure, with rules to help us live in a good and kind way.  The Bible was written by many people, each one of then helped by God to do this.  The Bible comes as one book, in two parts, The Old Testament and The New Testament.  This weeks task is to:

  • See if you can find a Bible at home- your family might have one or you might have your own children’s bible?
  • You could make a book mark which you can then use in a bible or give away as a gift. If you need to know how to make one, use the link below.  Share your photos with us.

  • If you have time, ask a grown-up to find a favourite story from the bible… it might be, Noah’s Ark, or the Good Samaritan, or the Loaves and Fishes, or many others.

The Bible was written by many people, each one of then helped by God to do this.  The Bible comes as one book, in two parts, The Old Testament and The New Testament.  This weeks task is to:

  • See if you can find a Bible at home- your family might have one or you might have your ownbible children’s bible?
  • You could make a book mark which you can then use in a bible or give away as a gift. If you need to know how to make one, use the link below.  Share your photos with us.

  • If you have time, ask a grown-up to find a favourite story from the bible… it might be, Noah’s Ark, or the Good Samaritan, or the Loaves and Fishes, or many others.

Sunday Club 09/10/22  Blysthswood Shoebox Appeal……

shoe box 2022Dear God, please bless our families, children and young people this Autumn.  Give thanks for this chance to rest and relax.  Allow us and encourage us, to take the opportunity to value each other by showing neighbourly kindness and friendship to those we meet.  Amen

Thinking of our neighbours means that at GLS we are preparing to donate gift-filled shoeboxes as part of the Blysthwood Shoebox appeal.   Boxes this year will be sent to Ukraine, Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo, etc.  If you are interested in supporting this project, then please look at the Blythswood website online for further details and suggestions of gifts. Thank you in advance.

Completed shoeboxes can be handed to GLS church members.  Boxes will be uplifted from Aberfeldy Church, 11am-2pm; Pitlochry Atholl Centre by 4pm on Thursday 4th November.

Schools are on holiday on 16th and 23rd October, so we will not place activities online on these dates.  Please look out for our return online on 30 October, meanwhile have a lovely holiday.

Sunday Club Sunday 02 October 2022

Harvest Time

NeepGod said “Look, I have given you all the plants that have grain for seeds.  And I have given you all the trees whose fruits have seeds in them.  They will be food for you.” Genesis 1 v 29

Sunday 2nd Oct we at GLS are celebrating Harvest Time. Today we want to celebrate the role of the farmers and those that work on the land.  We are grateful for the food we have to eat and are able to share with others.  Our harvest donations of food will be divided between the Food Bank in Pitlochry and Food Share in Aberfeldy.  Money donations will be given to the charity RSABI.

Your task this week is to:

  • Make a collection of leaves/berries/conkers/beech nuts etc (remember to wash your hands if you handle anything).  Make a display of them on a tray and say thank you for these resources.
  • When out for a walk this week, see if you can spot:    A piece of farm machinery:      A plant growing out of a wall:   A big tree:  A little tree: Two indoor house plants: Three outdoor flowers in different colours: 3 different green vegetables: Two kinds of round fruit
  • Make up your own prayer about Harvest.
  • Watch the story of The Enormous Turnip and see working together and sharing in action!

Information for grown-ups…..

Ask grownups to look at the website link for TearFund:

Grow-ups might be interested in:

Sunday 25th September 2022 

Luke 19 1-10   Zacchaeus the Tax Collectorsycamore leaf

This is a great bible story, highlighting the importance and power of forgiveness.

  1. Please see the story below from the link

  1. Answer the questions based around the story:

In which city did Zacchaeus live?

What did Zacchaeus look like?

What did Zacchaeus do for a living?

Why did people not like Zacchaeus?

Why did Zacchaeus climb a sycamore tree?

What does Jesus say to Zacchaeus whilst he is in the tree?

What do the other people think of Jesus for befriending Zacchaeus?

Jesus gave Zacchaeus a chance to change and he took it.

What did Zacchaeus do to change his ways?

Jesus forgives us as long as we are truly sorry.


  1. See if you can find a sycamore leaf- share the photo with us.

Sunday 18th September 2022 

Sunday Club news.. Faith like the mustard seed..

This week we have thought about Queen Elizabeth II.  Faith in God was an important part of her life as she served the nation.  The bible tells the story of the Mustard Seed, saying that such a small thing, like this seed can grow into something so much bigger.  This is like our own faith, we can share it and it can grow.

mustard seedMatthew 17:20 ESV: He said to them, “… For truly, I say to you, if you have faith yellow flowers like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Our faith does not need to feel big or perfect or complete.

Task this week:

Watch the short video to see the story.

See if you can find an apple and with a grown up, cut it up, find the seeds and plant one.  Let’s see if it will grow.  It might grow slowly but it could grow into something great.

Do send a photo of any apple seeds you find.

Listen to this short song:

Sunday club:  A prayer to share with family 110922

queen displayQueen Elizabeth II has always carried out her duties to the country with dignity and respect. Her faith in God was a guiding force for her.  As we mark her death and her life, we ask that those reading our Sunday Club page read the prayer below, take comfort from it and manage to share it with others.  Thank you.

A prayer on the occasion of the death of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Almighty and everlasting God,
in you there is neither beginning nor end;
you are from everlasting to everlasting, ever good and ever true.
You are our hope in life and in death,
and in your word of promise we place our trust. Today we give thanks for the life of your servant, our Queen Elizabeth,
whom now you have taken to be with you.
Long has she reigned over us,
offering support and courage,
a steadying hand in difficult days,
and a kindly presence in times of peace and prosperity.

We praise you for her life,
so rich in years and in service,
for her unwavering commitment to country, commonwealth, and every generation.
And for her trust in Jesus Christ,
her devotion to the church, and her respect for other faiths,
receive our thanks today.
May she rest in peace and let light shine upon her.

In their loss, comfort her family,
especially our King as he assumes his new responsibilities;
assure them of your unending love,
grant them the consolation of cherished memories,
and the hope of your promised kingdom.
These prayers we offer in the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.

From Church of Scotland

Sunday Club Sunday

04th September 2022

Sc 04/09/22  Noah builds the ark.

IMG_5536 “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8 v22

Noah’s story:  God saw that people in the world were becoming more and more wicked.  There was one man called Noah who loved and obeyed God.  God decided that he wanted to start the world again and told Noah to build a large wooden boat because he was going to send a flood into the world to destroy everything except Noah, his family and some animals.  Watch the whole story below:

Your Task this week is to ask your family to help you make a list.  Using the alphabet- noted down animal names- perhaps animals that Noah might have taken in the ark eg A-Anteater;  B-buffalo, C- cow. See how many you can complete from A-Z!

Prayer:  Dear God, we pray that you help us protect the world- the oceans, the land and the sky and all living creatures.  Help us to understand the problems of our climate and make us want to change the things we can.  Amen.

28th August 2022

Sc 28th August 2022   Adam and Eve Story

“Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.” Genesis 2 sc applesv15

An apple tree is important in this story.  There are many different types of apple.  This week’s task is to take a close look at an apple, draw a picture of one and share that picture with us.

Here is a song to share:

The Lord is good to me and so I thank the Lord for giving me the things I need, the sun the rain and the apple seed.  The Lord is good to me.

If you want to read the bible story, use this link below.

21st August 2022

Sunday Club 21/08/22: The Creation, Genesis 1:1-31/2:1-2.  Can you share a photo of the sky with us? This week, please pray for our precious world.   “In the beginning there was no earth or sky or sea or animals.”  Watch the video and then read the story below:

beach July22 clouds July22 moon July22 Honey bee July22

And then God spoke in the darkness:  “Let there be light!”  And right away there was light, scattering the darkness and showing the infinite space.  “That’s good!” said God.  “From now on, when it’s dark it will be ‘night’ and when it’s light, it will be ‘day’.”  The evening came and the night passed and then the light returned.  That was the first day.

On the second day, God made the earth and over it He carefully hung a vast blue sky.  He stood back and admired His creation.  “That’s good too!” said God and the second day was over.

The next morning God looked around and thought, “The earth needs to be a bit more organized.”  So, He put all the water in one place and all the dry land in another.  When He had finished that, God made plants to cover the land.  Dandelions and daffodils appeared.  All sorts of trees and grasses began to grow.  “It’s looking great,” said God and that was the end of the third day.

On the fourth day, God looked around and thought, “The daylight still needs a bit more work and the night is just too dark.”  So, He made the sun to light the sky during the day and the moon and stars to add a bit of sparkle to the night.  He hung them in the sky and stepped back to look at his work.  “This is coming along very well,” said God.

The next day, God turned his attention to the water he had collected in the oceans.  “I want these waters teeming with life!”  As soon as He said it, it was so.  In no time, there were millions of small fish darting through the shallow water and huge fish swimming in the ocean.  God made birds, too.  He sent them soaring through the air.  “Ahh, that IS good!” said God.  The dusk fell over the water and the sky grew dark and that was the end of the fifth day.

On the sixth day, God added creatures to the land.  He made lions and tigers and bears.  He made rabbits and sheep and cows.  He added everything from ants to zebras to the land.  But He still felt something was missing.  So God added Mankind to enjoy and take care of all that He had created.  God looked around and was happy with all He had made.  After six days, the whole universe was completed.  On the seventh day God had a nice long rest and enjoyed looking at all He had made. (By Sharla Guenther From

26th June 2022

salute 2022We all play a part….Armed Forces Day… our ministers who are with them..

“Endure hardship with us, like a good soldier of Jesus Christ.”  – 2 Timothy 2:3-5

Church of Scotland Ministers who serve in the military are known as Military Chaplains. These ministers work to support the men and woman who are in the Army, Navy, Airforce and Reserve Forces.  They give support through friendship, understanding and sharing God’s word as they are with the men, women and families, wherever they are- standing beside them.

Your task today is to

  • watch the video which shows how each of the services use a salute and do have a go at it yourself if you like                 Navy Salute               Army Salute                  Royal Airforce

  • colour in sign for Forces Dayarmed forces day

Grown-ups can find out more about Chaplains in the armed forces by looking at this link:

Sunday Club 19th June 2022 :  Our Father

On this Father’s Day weekend, we share the story of a Father with two sons.  Luke 15: 11-32.  This bible parable tells us that our Father God loves us.  This week’s task is to

The Lord’s Prayer:  Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil for ever. Amen

Sunday Club:  Empathy, Walking in someone else’s shoes 12/06/22

shoesRead this short story:

Jesus loves all people.  He has empathy with us and for us, walking with us every day: he knows how we feel and what we are thinking.  Empathy is when we feel and understand how others feel- and are able to be with them- it allows us to act and improve things in some way.

Here are just a few times that the bible tells us about empathy.

When Jesus saw Lazarus’ friends crying, he cried along side them.  John 11:33-35

Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn. Romans 12:15

9 June 2022 was Empathy Day- your task this week is to look at the links below and see if you can undertake a challenge to show and act with empathy!  They give plenty of ideas or you could come up with something yourself- so do talk to your family. Information and links for Empathy Day – there are ideas for family to try.    This gives short videos of authors sharing all sorts of stories.

This link provides other stories for you to read:

Happy Empathy Days!

Sunday Club 05/06/22 Jubilee , The Queen and her Faith

The Queens Platinum Jubilee Beacon St Mary’s church Grantully 02 June 2022

‘To many of us our beliefs are of fundamental importance. For me the teachings of Christ and my own personal accountability before God provide a framework in which I try to lead my life. I, like so many of you, have drawn great comfort in difficult times from Christ’s words and example.’

Quote from Queen in 2000 as printed in the Guardian 2017

Photo: Queens Platinum Jubilee Beacon with GLS Church and Linkage by St Mary’s Church 02/06/22

To celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee,

  • we ask that you watch this charming short animation- all children and adults will enjoy it.

  • Say and Share this prayer with others if you can:

Eternal God,
in these days of national celebration
we give thanks for the long reign of Her Majesty The Queen.
For her commitment to serve all her people,
for her steadiness in every crisis,
for her loyalty to the nation and to the Commonwealth,
and for the pledge she has made and kept to honour all people,
we praise and bless You today.


(prayer as part of CoS prayer for the Queen)

‘To many of us our beliefs are of fundamental importance. For me the teachings of Christ and my own personal accountability before God provide a framework in which I try to lead my life. I, like so many of you, have drawn great comfort in difficult times from Christ’s words and example.’

Quote from Queen in 2000 as printed in the Guardian 2017

Photo: Queens Platinum Jubilee Beacon with GLS Church and Linkage by St Mary’s Church 02/06/22

To celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee,

  • we ask that you watch this charming short animation- all children and adults will enjoy it.

  • Say and Share this prayer with others if you can:

Eternal God,
in these days of national celebration
we give thanks for the long reign of Her Majesty The Queen.
For her commitment to serve all her people,
for her steadiness in every crisis,
for her loyalty to the nation and to the Commonwealth,
and for the pledge she has made and kept to honour all people,
we praise and bless You today.

Another beacon seen From St Mary’s Church Grantully 02 June 2022


(prayer as part of CoS prayer for the Queen)

Sunday Club 29/05/22            God and Serving

queen displayEach one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4 10

Queen Elizabeth has been serving the nation for 70 years, with a balance of shared public life, her family and her religious faith.  As Christians we try to serve others in various ways- demonstrating a faith in action in our daily lives.  If you could talk to the Queen, what would you discuss? Her love of plants and trees, animals, what her faith means to her? What does she have for breakfast?

What if you met God?  What would you ask him?  The good news is that you can talk to God any time and talk to him about anything.  You can do this through prayer.

  • Say a prayer to thank God for our Queen and all the work she does.
  • Design a postage stamp for the Queen to celebrate her 70 years on the throne. You can use the template show here. Do share any picture that you create.stamp template
  • Look for used postage stamps on old letters (get permission from an adult and cut an outside edge around the stamp of 2.5cm) and then donate them to us at church. The stamps will be put to a charity to raise money.
  • Enjoy the Jubilee Celebrations

Sunday Club: 22nd May 2022 Our GLS Christian Aid Day- Climate Inequality.

rain gauge“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind. Job 12:7-10

Did you measure the rainfall for last week like we suggested?  I did.  Here is my example of a homemade water gauge. I measured 10mm of rain over this time. In Zimbabwe, for August or September, just an average of 1mm of rain might fall.  It is hard for us to imagine this.

GLS are having a plant sale on Sunday 22nd, 11.30am to raise funds and awareness for Christian Aid, immediately after the Church service at Strathtay.

world mapHere is a map that shows the world and how climate affects different areas.

Source:  Centre for global development and CA:

Your task today is:  look at the map of the world with your family and talk about who you know and where they live in the world.  Now think about their climate- is it different to ours?  Is it more difficult to live and work there – if so why? Good questions to think about with your family.

Christian Aid ask us to Give, Act and Pray. 

Give your time to think about your friends and neighbours across the world, or give a donation of money to CA through GLS.

Act – plant some vegetables/flowers/trees to help nature and the climate. leaf

Pray– draw a leaf like this one and write your own prayer for the world: the weather, fairness, food etc.

Do share with us a photo of your plants or your leaf prayer.  Thank you.

CAW 2 2022Sunday Club 15/05/22   Christian Aid Week 2022 Climate Inequality. What difference does water make?

caw 15-21 May 22

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Genesis 2:15

Photo credit: Christian Aid / David Brazier

Caption: Jessica and her family walk home from their garden as the sun sets.

Today we think about water and the importance this has in our world.  We have green fields, trees and maybe fruits and vegetables of our own growing in our gardens.  How lucky we are that we have water.  This week let’s think about rain!  Your task this week is:

  • to measure how much rain we get in a week. Take a wide jar or plastic bucket, leave it outside during this week and either measure the rain water every day or wait and measure it next Saturday. To measure you will need a ruler- measure the amount in millimetres.  OR if you would like to make a fancy rainwater gauge, have a look at the link below:

What has this to do with Christian Aid?  Ask a grown up to read you this short story-

Help Jessica turn hunger into hope

Drought starves. It robs women of the power to farm and grow food for their families.  In rural Zimbabwe, seven out of ten women rely on farming to earn a living and provide for their families. But with no rain, women and men can’t grow enough food, and they struggle to provide for their children. In times of drought, many families can only afford to eat one bowl of porridge a day.

Sunday 22nd May GLS Church will hold a plant sale to raise funds for Christian Aid, immediately after the church service finishes at 11.30am.  What might that money buy?

  • £5 could buy water taps for a community garden
  • £15 could buy drought-resistant seeds like sorghum or millet to help 10 farmers like Jessica to grow food
  • £60 could train 50 women farmers to adapt and grow food in the changing climate
  • £250 could help a family build a storeroom and provide seeds and fertilisers

Have a good week as we watch our plants grow, remember, in your prayers the people, like Jessica who need our help.

Sunday Club 08/05/22  Who helps?

My command is love each other as I have loved you. John 15:12

This week is Red Cross Week so we ask that you take a look at this simple clip about the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). It reveals the range of work that they do.       Title:  What does the International Committee of the Red Cross do?

Last week we introduced this year’s theme of Christian Aid and we will look at this again next week.

Sunday Club 01/05/22   Climate change and Faith

week climate chartChristian Aid week is coming… we hope to look at their theme over the next few weeks.  Climate injustice means that climate change, affects poor people unequally. “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22

Our task this week as we think about climate change is to make a week’s weather chart.  Like the one shown in the picture.  I have created my version. Use an A4 piece of paper, fold it longs way in half, fold it in half again, and again once more.  This gives a sheet with 8 boxes/folds.  Give each box a day of the week and fill in what your weather was like for that day.  Let’s do this for a whole week and share the picture at the end.  As we do this, please think about everyone whose life is affected by the weather.  God bless you this week.

Sunday 24 Apr 2022

sheep“Feed my sheep and Follow me.” John 21 v17/19

The bible tells us that after Easter, Jesus has risen and meets many people over the days before he finally goes to heaven.  Peter, the disciple that denied knowing Jesus, before his death, is one person who meets Jesus again and has the chance to understand the sadness of Jesus’ death and the hope for the future.  Watch this link to hear about how all this happened and their meeting and sharing of breakfast together.

Your task today is to

  1. Jesus enjoyed sharing a meal with his close friends. Think about the times over the last year when you have done this.  When did these days happen?  Was it for a religious event or what kind of gathering was it?  Talk to a grown up about these days and find out if people enjoyed them.
  2. Today share something to eat/drink with someone else. It could be sharing a sweetie, it could be dividing a biscuit or pouring a glass of water for another person.  As you do this think of Jesus and the difference, he made in the lives of others by doing a simple thing like eating/drinking and sharing- you are doing the same.
  3. Jesus tells Peter to “Feed my Sheep” – by this he means that Peter should go into the world and tell people about God. We can try and do this too but for today, please take a photo of a lamb or sheep and share it with us.

Easter Sunday 17/04/22  Jesus is Alive

daffyWe have already shared Holy week with you, from Palm Sunday through to The Last Supper and Good Friday as Jesus was crucified. Easter Sunday sees Jesus coming alive from the dead. Make sure you watch last week’s link as it shows the Holy week story.  Here is another link to a short video to retell the Easter story, this time using LEGO.

Remember that all the Easter Eggs and activities around Easter are fun to enjoy but Jesus died on the cross for us. Easter can at times seem sad- with the pain and suffering we know that Jesus must have felt.  We can feel like this too, when things don’t go well, when we are afraid or when we are hurt.  At these times, remember the Easter story, that Jesus gives us hope that God is with us wherever we are and however we are feeling. Enjoy this Easter Sunday and God’s love around you.

Your task this week is:

if you have decorated an Easter egg to represent the stone rolling away from the tomb, then pleasecross 2 share a photo of it

to pray for someone else. Easter blessings to you and your family.

Sunday Club 10/04/22

sunday palm Sunday Club 10/04/22  Palm Sunday- the beginning of Holy Week

This coming week for Christians is an important time as we think about the life and death of Jesus. Please watch this link to learn how this story unfolds and why.

Look out for each part of this story:

  1. Jesus arriving into Jerusalem
  2. The Temple
  3. Judas
  4. The Passover
  5. Garden of Gethsemane
  6. Jesus is arrested
  7. Religious leaders and the crowd
  8. The Crucifixion
  9. Buried in the tomb
  10. Sunday morning- the tomb was empty
  11. Jesus is alive
  12. 40 days with Jesus
  13. The promise from Jesus
  14. Jesus returns to heaven

Questions: On Palm Sunday…

What animal did Jesus ride on, as he went into Jerusalem?

What did the people do as Jesus arrived?

You can ask a grown up to share this story with you by reading the bible from John 20:12.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NIV)

Sunday Club 03/04/22  Happy Easter Holidays… So, tell me about Easter?

daffySchools are on holiday for the next two weeks.  This is an important time for Christians as we think about Jesus and the story of Easter.  For this week we ask that you watch the BBC version about Easter to get an idea of what it is all about as Jesus faces the time before his arrest, his death and his coming alive (resurrection).

After watching this short summary, take this week to think about everything that makes you happy inbeach your life eg family, friends, sunshine, nature, food…. and take time to thank God for these things.

Sunday 27 Mar 2022

Loaves, Fish and Mothering Sunday “He must truly be the Prophet who is coming into the world.” John6 14 (ICB) Mothering Sunday is traditionally held on the fourth Sunday of Lent.  Lots of historians believe that in years gone by children who worked as servants were given a day off to visit home and return to their “Mother Church”, to share a day with family.  Mothering Sunday was also called Refreshment Sunday as it was halfway through Lent with a pause to the rules of fasting. Eating and food are important around Easter.  Simnel cakes are connected to Easter too.  In John 6:10-15 we hear about the story of the Loaves and Fish and how Jesus knows how his life is going to be.  Watch the link for the story:

Task this week is:

  1. As a family think about all the foods that are linked to Easter- make a list of them.
  2. Make a Mothering Sunday Card- see here for an idea:
  3. Or you could give a card of kindness by promising to do something kind.
  4. Share your work with us.
20220326_074253_resized1You will need egg boxPipe cleanersCardPVA gluePenTea or Coffee bag 20220326_074338_resized2Cut cup from egg boxMeasure and make handle from the pipe cleaner
20220326_074454_resized3Carefully Glue the cup on to the folded cardOnce secure glue on the handle and then write your messageYou can draw or glue other items on for more decoration 20220326_075047_resized4Now give to the person that the card was made for with a hug

Sunday Club: Well Watered Trees   20/03/22

Watch this award winning video clip:

tree birch“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.  He is like a tree planted by the water, that sends out its roots by the stream and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8

What does this mean?  A tree that is able to have water can remain healthy and strong, growing leaves and fruit.  This is like us, if we simply keep God near in our lives, we can grow stronger.

Task for this week:

  1. Go for a tree walk– do you know the names of trees, can you identify them?
  2. Look at this website if you need help.
  3. Send in a picture of a tree you find and the name of it. Does it grow fruit?
  4. Quiz your family– create a list of things:
  5. What do trees need to grow?
  6. What things come from trees- eg seeds, paper etc?
  7. As you search for trees, look at how strong they are, rooted to the ground, growing, try and pray for all those who are suffering because of war and ask that they be protected by the branches of faith. From your small prayer, great things may grow.

Sunday Club 13/03/22  Lent “Worship the Lord your God and serve him only” – Temptations of Christ

Lent 1You will have already celebrated Shrove Tuesday with pancakes, as part of Lent. What is lent all about? Lent is the time of 40 days that comes before Easter, beginning on Ash Wednesday.  It is a time that remembers Jesus and his 40 days in the desert. Everyone talks about giving something up for Lent but why?   Jesus knew that God had a plan for him.  He knew it was going to be difficult for him.  In the bible reading, Matthew 4: 1-11, we learn that Jesus went into the desert to be alone, whilst there, he faced three temptations and challenges.  Watch the clip to see what happens.

You and a grownup can look at a famous painting by Botticelli called Temptations of Christ by visiting this link:     See if you can spot Jesus and the three temptations.

Your task today is to think up an alternative activity for Lent, in the days that we head towards Easter.  Here are some ideas:

It might be you pray for a different thing each day eg Pray to thank God for your family. Pray that God can protect all those affected by war, or for the spring flowers, or the sunshine.

It might be that you could do a positive thing like pick up litter everyday.

You could draw pictures and give one away each day.

You could take a photo of something amazing and share it with us every day of Lent.

It might be you give up eating something for the days until Easter eg crisps.

Let us know what you do.  Thank you GLS Sunday Club

Sunday Club 06/03/22 “I know the plans I have for you” Jeremiah 29: v11  (Links with this week’s World Day of Prayer).

Sing Hosanna – He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands | Bible Songs for Kids – YouTube

God has a plan for each of us, he is with us when things go well and when things go wrong and at all times of worry or happiness.  For homes to be built, for holiday journeys, for parties there needs to be a plan and for each completed home, holiday journey and party there are many different ways to be successful. This is just like a map of a Christian life. We need to check in with God to see if we are finding our way.

Task:  Get a piece of paper and draw your own map and maze.  See if anyone can use your map/maze.  Here is an example. Think about the map and maze showing the twists and turns in your life.See the source image

OR try the World Day of Prayer resources for children:


Task:   Make your own card with a message of hope and share it with someone. hope for the world

Get a piece of card and draw a picture on one side.  On the other side write a note about what you hope for… ask a grown up to help.

OR follow the little maze here….


27 Feb 2022

Sunday Club 27/02/22  Fair and Equal: Fairtrade Fortnight

“Speak up and judge fairly.  Defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31 V9

God asks us to stand up for fairness.  This is Fairtrade fortnight.  Watch this video about Fairtrade with a grown up and see how fair trade is linked to climate change.

Fair Trade products come in various forms: bananas, coffee, tea, chocolate, etc. As a family try this link with a Fairtrade quiz and discover information about chocolate.

Task this week is to take a photo of some Fairtrade products that you use at home or buy when you go shopping.

Fairtrade 2fairtrade 1Dear God please help us to speak up for those in the world who are in need, who are poor and stand up for those whose rights are being ignored. Amen

Sunday Club news 20/02/22 Kindness

swansBe kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

Galatians 6:9-10 ESV

Random Act of Kindness Week, takes place 13th-23rd Feb 2022. This event is to focus and promote “kindness”. Kindness is an important part of Christian life.  The bible tells us that we can make a difference to others by simply being a little bit kinder and being more forgiving.  In half term break, what can we do this week to be kind?


  1. Pick up a piece of litter when you are out for a walk.
  2. Draw a picture for someone.
  3. Say something nice to someone, give a compliment.
  4. Show thanks for something by saying thank you either to a family member, to God or to both.
  5. Offer to wash the dishes.
  6. Make a special card to someone, just for being themself.
  7. Say a prayer for a friend.
  8. Or think of your own simple act.

Here is an animation about kindness:

13 Feb 2022

GLS Sunday Club news for Grown-ups and Children … Sport and God   13/02/22

See the source imageMusic intro from Christians in Sports:

The Winter Olympics are underway.  Good luck to all taking part and especially to local curler Eve Muirhead and her Team.  What does God say about sport?    “We all have different gifts.  Each gift came because of the grace that God gave us.” Romans 12 v6

Do you like sport?  Do you play football, do you kayak, swim, play badminton, indoor bowls, table tennis, do archery, go fishing, go running, walking, curling or skiing?  So many of us enjoy taking part, watching sport or supporting those who do take part.  Sometimes we might be a winner, or a loser, we might be fast or slow, we might be selected for a team, or rejected, however we should “decide what you are by the amount of faith God has given you.” Romans 12v 3

Watch this short video to find out a bit more:

This week’s task is to complete our very own Winter Olympic fitness preparation in the name Jesus.

Tick off each one when you complete it for the week ahead.  If you prefer you could use the Joe Wicks link below to do his children friendly workout- try doing that for 1 week.    OR

  1. Running on the spot for 30 seconds, like the start of the Skeleton sledges race!
  2. Bending down stretching to touch your toes- do this 10 times- like reaching down and holding onto the snowboard for their free style jumping!
  3. 5 star jumps- like the Free style skiers.
  4. 6 lunges- 3 with each leg ( this is bending down on one knee, the other knee stretched behind) – just like the start position for the curlers
  5. 6 arm stretches, to the left and right- like the beautiful hand positions of the iceskaters!
  6. 6 side lunges- to the left and right- like the position that speed skaters use.
  7. 10 Mummy Kicks- reminds us of the use of arms/legs in Nordic Skiing
  8. Pray for all people who play sport and pray that they play in a spirit of kindness and can show God’s love in their behaviour. AmenPicture2

Extra links for Grown-ups   from Christians in Sport- we at GLS thank them for their resources

Pray for the world of sport

Dealing with disappointment

Sunday Club 06/02/22

“Try to understand each other.  Love each other as brothers.  Be kind andboots 2022 humble.” 1 Peter 3 v8 (International Children’s Bible)

National Story Telling Week has just taken place and many have focused on stories that we are all familiar with.  The Brothers Grimm created for us some of our favourite tales such as Little Red Riding Hood and Rumpelstiltskin.  The Brothers Grimm gathered spoken word stories from across Europe and wrote them down.  It could be argued that the most famous stories however are found in the Bible. Many bible stories and fairy tales, try to convey a meaning or idea. Jesus was a great storyteller.

Children can watch this short clip to find out more-

Grown-ups could listen to this:  The World Blessing 2022- 154 nations sing in 257 languages – Hope and Unity in Our divided World

Task today for you and the grown-ups is to:

  1. Name two of your own favourite Fairy Tales.
  2. Name two of your own favourite Bible Stories. It might be Noah and the Ark; Daniel in the Lions’ Den.   Grown-ups could help with this.
  3. As we try to understand, love one another and show kindness, we should “imagine walking a mile in someone else’s shoes” eg what is it like to be a person without a home, to be alone, to be sad or not to have clean water.
  4. Share with us at GLS that you are thinking of other people this week, by sending us a photo of a pair of shoes! They could be a favourite pair or an old pair. We will love to see them. Or you could do a drawing? Send your photos to our Facebook page.

When we pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, so, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone is praying for you.

Dear God, help us to find ways of putting others first with our actions.  Amen

30 January 2022

Sunday Club and for Grown-ups  30/01/22   The Good Samaritan Luke 10, v25-37

Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan. A traveller is robbed and beaten as he journeys along the road.  He is badly injured and left for dead.  A priest comes along but purposefully ignores the man, then a lawyer passes by and he also ignores the injured man.  In the end a Samaritan comes along and stops to help, he treats the mans wounds, takes care of him by taking him to an inn and pays for the man to be looked after.  Why is this story important?  Jesus wants us to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbour as yourself.” V27 Plasters

Task for today:

  1. Watch the children’s video clip
  2. Ask a grown up f you can have a plaster. This week give that plaster to someone and say “I can be a good Samaritan.  Keep this plaster for when you might need it.  I am your neighbour”.
  3. Teenagers and Grown-ups are invited to watch this clip in acknowledgement of Holocaust Memorial Day. A reminder that we are all neighbours:

23 January 2022

wooden owl

Sunday Club 23/01/22  “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Psalm 91 v4

It is heading towards spring and we are listening out for the bird song and looking out to see the birds of the field and the garden.  In this week’s bible verse, we are reminded that God takes care of us all, when we need protection and warmth- just as the birds take care of their young.

This week’s task is to send in a photo of any bird you see in your garden or if you are out for a walk.  You could, if you prefer, draw a picture of a bird.  You and your family might also be interested in taking part in next weeks, Big Garden Birdwatch 2022, here is the link if you wish, it takes place on Friday28th Jan-30th Jan:

God bless you and your family this week as we think about the birds around us and how God cares for living things.  Amen.

GLS Sunday Club.

Sunday Club 16th Jan 22:   Jesus and his first miracle.  John 2:1-11.

See the source image

“So in Cana of Galilee, Jesus did his first miracle. There he showed his glory, and his followers believed in him.”  John 2 v11.

In this bible story, Jesus and his Mum, Mary go to a wedding.   God shows that Jesus cares for the people at the wedding, including his Mother, and those hosting the wedding.  During the celebrations, there is a shortage of wine.  Jesus intervenes and turns water into wine.  This first miracle helps prove that Jesus is God’s Son and that we too can believe in Jesus.

This week’s task is to read the bible passage and watch the video link below which shares the story.

Now ask an adult some questions about the story and see what they remember about it.  We have put a choice of answers here for you but try and have a bible to check it yourself. The correct answer is in bold.

  1. Where, were Jesus and his Mother in this story?

A:   In Bethlehem                                                OR       B:   in Galilee, a town called Cana

  1. What event was taking place?

A:   A baptism                                                      OR                             B:   a wedding

  1. What went wrong at the party?

A:  person running the event ran out of wine. OR    B:  a guest took unwell after eating the food.

  1. Who asked Jesus to help the situation?

A:  Mary, his Mum.                                             OR       B:  the doctor who was at the party.

  1. What were the servants asked to do by Jesus?

A:  Fill the water jars with grapes                      OR     B:  Fill the jars with water.

  1. What had happened to the liquid in the jars?

A:  Water had turned to wine.                          OR      B:  the grapes had been squashed into juice

  1. Who did Jesus get to taste the liquid in the jars?

A:  the host of the event.                                   OR             B:  His Mum Mary.

  1. What does the bible say that happened because of this miracle?

A:  People thought that Jesus was magical.     OR     B:  Jesus’s followers believed in him.

Only for Fun do have a look at this video- as a young person DO NOT TRY THIS but perhaps you can persuade a grown up to try it!  If not just watch the video and be impressed!

Finally for this weeks’ task to share, please send us a photo of something you drink this week:  a water in your school bottle, or a glass of juice, or a cup of tea.  Think about the miracles of water which keeps us alive and Jesus as he did his first miracle in Galilee.

Thank you from GLS Sunday Club

See the source image

GateSunday Club 9th Jan 2022, A new year…for our adults and children  “So don’t be afraid, I am with you”.  Isaiah 43 v5 International Children’s Bible

“And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” And he replied: “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.” From the Poem God Knows” by Minnie Louise Haskins (1875-1957)

The excitement and the busy times of Christmas has past and we often reflect on the happinessSnoopy and sadness of the last year but look to the future year ahead.  In Isaiah 43, 1-7, we learn that it does not matter who we are, or where we come from, our age, or stage, we should not feel that we are alone we are with God as we face 2022.

Activity task for this week is:

  1. Get a piece of paper and with the help of a grown up, think about the things you were grateful for over the last year.  Write a list with these headings (See my example):

2021:  I am grateful to God for:

People in my life:  eg my family and friends.

Places I visited:  eg the local river.

Things I learned:  eg how to use airdry clay and all about the charity The Lighthouse.

  1. Turn the piece of paper over and write a heading:

2022:   This year, I ask God to help me..( use the headings but see the type of examples)

To share special times with….(my family)

To help the natural world by…(planting a tree or helping wild birds)

To try to….(be kinder or pray more or learn a new thing).

  1. Now pin that piece of paper up somewhere you can see every day.
  2. Remember that you can “put your hand into the Hand of God.”

Happy New Year and God’s blessings to you all for GLS Sunday Club.

Sunday Club 19th December 2021 4th Sunday of Advent  The Nativity

See the source imageLuke 2: 1-20 tells the story of the birth of Jesus.

“In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to their own town to resister.” Luke 2 v1-3

Four tasks today- grownups and youngsters

  1.  watch the bbc version of the Nativity story for children.

  1. Read aloud Luke 2: 1-5 to see how Mary and Joseph had to travel for the census.  Here is your chance to try out a home-made Census like Mary and Joseph.. see how you get on.  Answer the following questions as a family.  This is just for fun and discussion.
  • How many people live in your house?
  • What’s the age of the youngest person in your house?
  • What’s the age of the oldest child in your house?
  • Why would we have Bibles in houses?
  • What’s the best thing about your family?
  • Do you like to pray together as a family, or on your own?
  • What’s your favourite thing about Christmas?
  • How does our family’s faith help you at school or work?
  • What is each person’s favourite Christmas decoration?
  • What is something you’re thankful to God for today?
  1. Often there are parties at Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Here is a party game you might like to try on Christmas Day. It is an Alphabet game… My Name , My Gift.  Here is an example:

My name is eg George  and  I am giving … an apple

My name is eg Lisa and I am giving… a bouncy ball

Hope that you enjoy the game.

  1. Finally, for next week we ask that someone in your family takes a photo of a candle and shares it with us so that we can share that photo with others to represent the birth of Jesus, as the Light of the World.

Christmas blessings to you all from the team at Grantully, Logierait and Strathtay Church.


Sunday 12th December 2021– The story of the birth of Jesus.  For a20211211_095658_resizeddults and children…..

This week we are thinking about the many symbols we associate with Christmas.  Can you think of any?  Perhaps, a tree, cookies, ornaments, wreath, bell, a present, bows & ribbons, holly, a candle, angel, candy cane and star?  Use the link below and see a Christmas book that gives details of items we link with Christmas and God’s love for us.

Now watch the short video: use the link below and scroll down to the video animation for “The Impossible Promise”

Please take a minute and share a photo of a Christmas tree with us…… we would love to see them.  Ask a grown-up for some help.

Dear God, we give thanks this week for all the people who are in our lives and make things better for us. These people are our blessings from you.  Thank you for all the hope that Christmas time and the birth of Jesus brings. Amen

church tree 2021

church tree 2021Sunday Club 5th December 2021:  Mary and Joseph- who and why?  Children, Teenagers and Adults, todays, topic is worth a look.

In the Bible, we learn that Mary and Joseph were the Mother and Father, on earth, of Jesus.  Neither Mary nor Joseph were famous, but ordinary people chosen by God to undertake an astonishing role: parents of Jesus.  Joseph was a carpenter and Mary, his Mother, loved Jesus for his whole life, from baby, to boy, to man.   How did this story begin?  Watch this link, perhaps with your family, to understand the Christmas story and how and where it all began.  You will meet many characters from the bible in this story.


There is a colouring task, which can be found through  see below for pdf link.

The pdf is All Rights Reserved but can be copied for home use, so if you would like to download and print this, then please follow the links.

  1. We would really like a photo of a Christmas Bauble from everyone if possible.


  1. Grown-ups try very hard to care for young people and the people they love.  Sometimes life can be difficult, but God gives us the chance to pray and ask for help.  As a young person you have the right to feel safe and loved.  However, we sometimes need other help in our lives.  Take a moment to have a look at this link from Childline, it explains what they offer- perhaps you can share this with the grownups. 

GLS send you all good wishes for the coming week.


Sunday Club and Grown-ups for 28 Nov 21. Advent, and a little hope every day… Do you have a photo of a rainbow to share?

Picture2 rainbowJeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

It is the first Sunday of advent, and we think about hope.  Please have a look at this online advent calendar- it is a very family friendly bible resource as we head towards Christmas and it is provided by The Resource.  You can use it every day:

As an alternative you might like to listen to the short podcast from The Resource by Ali Campbell.  It is brief but there is one for each day. A great wee listen for any teenager or adult!

Enjoy the beginning of advent and the hope that it brings. Cannot wait to see your rainbow photos.

moon rainbow

Sunday Club and Grown-ups Activities for Sunday 21 November 2021

But Jesus called the little children to him and said to his followers, “Let the little children come to me.  Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of God belongs to people who are like these children.”  Luke 18:16 International Children’s Bible

This bible verse hints to us, that when we are tired, God can offer us rest; when we are cold, God will offer us shelter, just as we would do so for any child. God offers us safety in the that He is always there for us, and we can trust in Him when we are in need.

Many of you will have supported the very recent Children in Need Appeal- with all the jazzy singing and fun.  You might have taken part in something to raise money and awareness of this organisation which goes on to support so many other good causes.  Music played a part in this year’s events-

Music, hymns and songs are an important part of worship.  Today’s task is to:

Find an adult, chat together about your favourite children’s hymn, and share it with us.  Just let us know the Name of the hymn/song.  Grown-ups will be able to help with this for sure.  If you are looking for ideas, here are some:

What a friend we have in Jesus.

Away in a Manger.

One More step along the world I go..

Calypso carol

Cum by ya my Lord

He’s got the whole world in His hands

Shine Jesus Shine

Lord of the Dance

All things bright and Beautiful

Give me oil in my lamp keep me burning,

When the Saints go marching in

Perhaps we can find GLS’s top 10 favourite children’s hymns? Remember to share with us your favourite!

A prayer for this week:

Dear God, we thank you for the food before us, the shelter around us, the family beside us and the love between us. Amen (author unknown)

14th Nov 2021

Poppy Day for the Sunday Club 14/11/21

“This is my commandment, that you love another, just as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”  John 15:12-15

This week’s task is:

  1. Watch this beautiful story book as it explains about the poppy from Poppy Scotland Resources

  1. Take a photo of a Poppy or wreath or war memorial that you see today and share it with us.

See the source image

For a piece of music specifically written by Scottish musician, Graeme Murray- Where the poppies grow Tall  follow the link below

Where The Poppies Grow Tall – #iPlay4Peace 202

For further information about the piece 

Puffin 19 July 2021     Sunday Club 7th Nov 21- God, Nature and Climate Change

Genesis 1: 20-23. Then God said, “Let the waters swarm with fish and other life. Let the skies be filled with birds of every kind”.

“Birds” are mentioned many times in the Bible:  eagles, sparrows, ravens and doves are just a few.  As part of the natural world, birds play an important role but like many  areas of nature, they are being affected by the change in our climate.  The Sunday Club task today is:

  1. We would like to know what your favourite bird is and perhaps why?

Please get in touch to let us know either on our GLS face book page or by emailing us here:

  1. Take a photo of a bird and share it with us please.  Use facebook or our gls email.  It would great to see the variety of birds we might come across in our GLS Parish.
  2. If you have not done so already, please take a moment to watch this short video clip from the RSPB about Puffins and what is happening to them.

  1. Have a lovely week and together let us pray for real change in the world to help the environment heal, plan for the future and how we can improve the lives of individuals and communities who are so badly affected by our climate and the way we currently choose to live. Amen
  2. Next week, look out for our plans for Armistice Sunday and Poppy Day

Sunday Club, 31 Oct 21 Environment and Us!  Read on below a fun online game..

COP 26 starts this week in Glasgow, with a real focus on Climate Change and what we might be able to do to make a difference.  As Christians we want to help look after God’s world.   The Bible tells us that…

 “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”   Genesis 2 v15

We have a duty to care for the world and everything in it.   What can we do to help?

Recycling – how good are we at this?

This week’s task:

  1.  is to make sure you recycle as much as you can.  Ask a grown- up to help you by recycling your paper, plastic, glass, unused clothes to charity shops and food- either to Food Share Places in Aberfeldy or Pitlochry if it is appropriate, or put food waste into your own compost.  Let us know how you get on by sending in a photo.
  2. Have a go at this recycling game online from National Geographic-

Sunday Club News…  10 October 2021             

Happy October holidays to all our Perth and Kinross children.  As you take time to relax and enjoy a break from school, as a Church and Sunday Club member, we ask that you think about young people and families who are less fortunate than us.  It is the time of year when we often donate goods and items for the annual Blythswood Shoe Box Appeal.  Your task today is to watch this short video which explains all about the Shoebox appeal:  and share this video with a grown up

Blythswood Shoebox Appeal 2021

Picture3  A very big thank you to all who contributed to the shoebox appeal this year, either by donating items, wrapping boxes, giving time or giving money.  We have been delighted with the response by all those at GLS, our friends and our neighbours, thank you all. Your contribution and kindness will be welcomed by those who receive the boxes we are sure, and the spirt in which they have been given.

Are you interested in sport?  Are you interested in prayer?

Take a look at a short video from Christians in Sport.  It is an engaging way to pray with others for others.  Perhaps you have not thought of sport in terms of prayer before but this video reveals an accessible and interesting view of Christian faith.

If you would like to help prepare a Shoebox, look at the link below and you will see a pdf with the list of items you are invited to include:

this pdf gives suggestions of items that might be included:

You can, of course contact us at and we will arrange to get you a shoebox or a pre-printed list.  Pre-wrapped shoe boxes are available if required, again just let us know or you may be able to uplift them in a variety of places throughout Highland Perthshire.

For GLS members and supporters we ask that you have any items/boxes ready for Sunday 24th October prior to final collection on 29th Oct (Pitlochry Baptist Church Carpark).  We are happy to collect/uplift any items/boxes that you may have prepared in advance, again please let us know.

Thank you.  Mary, Meg and the sc Team


03 October 2021

Next week is National Libraries Week and this got me thinking about books and the book that we have in our lives, as Christians, The Bible.  The Scottish Bible Society is a charity that provides Bibles and other scripture materials within Scotland and through-out the world.  As the Bible is full of stories to help us understand God and the guidance it gives, we have two links below, via The Bible Society website that share well-known Bible stories. Help us celebrate Libraries Week and the Bible by watching these story links- both are available to download:

Sunday 26th Sep 2021

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.”  Proverbs 3:27

This week we celebrate our Harvest Thanksgiving through resources provided by Tearfund. Firstly, as an introduction listen to this song with the theme of Climate Change.

Now watch this short video which shows the impact of climate change on neighbours across the world.

The second link gives information and activities for young people- worth a look if you care about helping others “Share the Load, what can you do?” is the theme.  Go to the link, scroll down and you will find “Children and Family Resources”.  Harvest Resources – Tearfund

All good gifts around us are sent from Heaven above.  Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, for all His love.  Matthias Claudius 1740-1815

We thank God for all his blessings at Harvest time.  Amen

Sunday 19th Sep 2021

IMG-20210613-WA0000          Tips: Top Ten Ways to Recycle -- Environmental Protection

Faithfull Care

God create the world and we have a part to play in the stewardship (the care) of it and all it’s resources.  God said “this is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all generations.” (Gen 9:12)

How do we help care for God’s world?  This week sees the “Great British Beach Clean-17-23rd Sep”.  Coastal areas across Britain will be encouraging people to clear up the beaches.  For us here in Highland Perthshire, we also suffer from rubbish being thrown away across the countryside, causing harm to wildlife, impacting the landscape and getting into the rivers.  So, as individuals what can we do to help the environment?  Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are helpful ways to think about making better use of our resources.  What does this mean?  Look at the website links below to give families ideas for each, but here our thoughts at GLS:

Maybe you could if you are out for a walk, pick up just two pieces of litter and put it in a bin- if everyone did this it would help. Or you could make a poster encouraging people not to drop litter?

This week try to REDUCE the amount of plastic you use eg use a non-plastic water bottle, or have your sandwich in a re-useable wrap- don’t use cling film.

This week, if possible, try to REUSE fabric masks that can be rewashed or REUSE or make something useful out of a milk carton eg a plant holder.

This week RECYCLE something instead of putting in the bin eg give away to charity something you no longer need (make sure it is in good condition).  Help at home to recycle items into the correct bin- paper or cardboard.

There are many other ideas and information on the websites below:

As you take action this week, please Pray:  Dear God, thank you for our beautiful world and all of resources within it.  Help us understand that we have a part to play in caring for it and give us hope that we can make changes which will make a difference.  Amen.

Beechwood, Strathtay, Pitlochry, Perthshire, PH9 5 bed detached house -  £950,000

picture 1 12092021Proverb 16:9  A person may think up plans, but the Lord decides what he will do.

We imagine that you have plans for today?  What might they be? Perhaps you are going to visit someone, perhaps you are going to play football, go swimming?  There are other types of plans- a map is a sort of plan, there are plans of houses, there are plans often to show nice walks, there are plans that come with Lego, to show you how to build something.

In life we make plans all the time, but as the bible tells us, God, actually, has a plan for us and it may not always be what we think, or the way we want to go but if we remember this, it will help us understand.  Sometimes God’s plan might seem tough, but he is with us.     Today’s task is to:

  1. think of somewhere you like to go….. a local shop, to a friend’s house, a walk. Now draw out a map of how to get there.
  2. Think about things/buildings that you see on your way- mark them on the map.
  3. Now think about whether there is an alternative route- is there a different way to get there?
  4. Do send us a photo of your map. If you would prefer just draw a map of the layout of your living room!
  5. Finally, either use our maze here by downloading it to find your way, or create your own puzzle maze on paper and ask someone else to find their way. Again, let us see any picture you make. One link shows a bible the other the Garden of Eden.

Picture2 12092021 Picture3 1202021

CamScanner 09-04-2021 15.11_1

Proverbs 22 v 9 “A generous person will be blessed because he shares his food with the poor”Picture1 2021

In the run up to Harvest time, we remember all those who farm the land and provide food.  We remember the individuals and organisations who share food with communities.  The TearFund have fantastic ideas and resources to highlight the situation of those in need and offer suggestions on what we can do as individuals especially in relation to poverty and climate change.  Tear Fund suggest a Prayer Walk (grown-ups, see the link below), so today’s task for our young people and families is to do just that.  Here is our GLS  Prayer Walk idea of what to do:

  • Go a short walk – you could take some photos enroute if you like to help you think about it later.

  • COMMUNITY: As you walk, what buildings do you see around you?  Is it local homes, or shops or farmland?

PRAY:  We pray for other communities across the world who have been forced to leave their homes, their businesses or their land due to war/conflict.

  • CLIMATE: Look around you, what is the weather doing right now?  What does the weather bring us- trees, crops, grass, fruit, water?

PRAY:  Thank God for the weather you see before you.  We pray for all who suffer because of extreme weather.

  • YOU, CHILDREN: Think about yourself- think about your hands and feet and all that you are doing right now; running, laughing, getting fresh air!

  • PRAY: Dear God, we pray that children in poverty can be safe as they play and grow up. AMEN

For Grown-ups:         Picture2 2021

All Seeds Have a Story

Growing in Christ…”Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will not run and grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40 v31

If you look closely at the today’s picture/clip, you can see the birds eating and spreading the seeds of grass in the garden! What happens to seeds?  There are many different types:  sunflowers, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, seeds for flowers, seeds for vegetables.  With the right care and attention, sunshine and water, they grow.

We are like the plants around us- if we want to grow as a Christian, God tells us how to try and be.  If we want to be a successful rugby player, we will need to practice, learn rugby ball skills, work as a team member.  If we want to be a better person, God says we should try to grow within ourselves, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control”. Galatians 5: 22-23

Sometimes this is hard, and we might not manage it, but God’s Spirit is with us to help us always try.   Part of this help can come from being together (although we are apart just now) in sharing our small Sunday Club thoughts through this Facebook page and our Website; we can pray together- for the same things, but be apart and we can know that we have others around us who care.

Today’s task is:

To share any photos of something you have grown.

To Pray for the people of Afghanistan – those who have managed to leave their country and those who remain.

Thank you.  We look forward to seeing your photos.

Lettuce 2021 cucmber 2021

How many days until the end of Summer?

Picture1Train up a child in the way he should go,
Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6Picture2

Hello Sunday Clubbers… welcome to us here online at GLS.  Most of you will have been back to school or nursery this week.  We hope that it has gone well.  Today we are thinking about how it feels as we try to find our “place” back at school or in the nursery (grown-ups for you, back at work, mixing in wider groups, returning to clubs).  It is not easy, we might feel shy, nervous, unsure.  Our task this week is to:d2d736bf-13e6-41bf-b089-31346b0c950f

  1. Think about “Where’s Wally”- he seems hidden, surrounded or even invisible in some of his pictures but actually he is there within in busy setting.

  2. Make a list of the groups you are back meeting with or those groups that you have been missing, eg swimming, horse riding, your school class, football team etc. Now think that you have a place in each of these.  This is like God and our Christian family, no matter where you are, what you are doing, who you are with, there is a place for you and you have an important place with us.

  3. Send in a photo, of where you like to be… it might be the football pitch, it might be in the park, it might be on a hill, at home, on bike, etc

  4. If you like colouring in here is a link to a “going back to school” colouring in sheets for you to download and print if you like.

Telestack Summer Holiday Closure

Sunday club

Holidays, changes, moving on to a new class, a new school or a new place to live?  God tells us that He is with us wherever we go.  So, as we begin the summer holidays, please remember that God is with you.  We hope that you enjoy time with your families and friends, whether you are at home or away on holiday and look forward to seeing you soon.

“Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1 v9

Sunday Club…. Our Father…..

 “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.”  NIV Bible Corinthians 12:4-6

You are part of a team.  And what a team.  We each have a place, just like a football team with all the specialised skills, even what we share online demonstrates our faith and abilities.  Each football team has a manager– he guides, he gives opportunity to let a person be at their best, he forgives if players get things wrong and allows ongoing training.  This is like our God!  Our leader who knows what we are capable of.  God is our Father figure and today is Father’s Day.  Let us do something for our God the Father:  he is our rock, our solid base in our lives if we allow him to be.


  1. Find some small rocks and create a picture using them – have a look at my example here.  If the stones are small enough, you could stick them to a card.  We would be delighted to see your “Father rocks” if you are happy to share them.

And use the words: “Father, you are my Rock, Thank you.

  1. Say the Lord’s prayer each day this week.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven; hallowed be thy name

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.  Amen

Enjoy your last week of school or nursery.  We at GLS Sunday Club, will continue to think of you.

20210614_075024Mary’s re-useable lunch


Rubbish collected by Mary and Meg along the roadside between Logierait Church and Ballinluig Post Office. It is quite a lot isn’t it? We have been picking up litter once a week from this area since January, every Sunday morning. So, we have saved these plastic bits ending up in our water ways!

Jonah and The Whale - Bedtime Bible Stories for Children

13th June 2021 A story of obeying God.   Today we are thinking about the story of Jonah and the Whale, a God gives Jonah instructions to share his words with the people of Nineveh.  Watch the video to see how this story develops.

(bbc version of Jonah and the whale)

Now 8th June was World Oceans Day.  God has given us an instruction to care for his world, the resources in it and the people of the world- our neighbours.  Watch the video about plastics in our oceans.  (Provided through World Oceans Day Resources).

It is our turn to obey God’s words.  What can you do about plastics harming the environment?

Together, let’s take action this week by

  1. Picking up and putting in the bin, a piece of litter, that you have found in a public place. (be careful though and only do this with permission from an adult and whilst wearing gloves to keep yourself safe).
  2. Making sure you use something different. Try not to use a plastic item that has been designed for a “single use” this week if you can help it.  Instead, you could use a reusable waterbottle for school; or you could, use a reusable sandwich wrap; you could use a reusable straw… any other ideas?
  3. Take a photo of your bit of litter-picking and/or your efforts to use something instead of plastic and share the photo with us please.
  4. Pray that people will stop throwing plastic rubbish away. Pray for the World Leaders as they meet this week to remember we need World Action to help clear up the plastic in our oceans.  Thank you, God for the example of Jonah who tried to obey your words.  Amen

You, me, us and others, along-side God can make a difference.

13 June 21 sc Jonah and Plastics

God Sitting On Cloud And Knit Planet Earth. Creation Of Earth. Stock Vector  - Illustration of heaven, fashion: 61348804

Genesis 1v1-31 and 2v1-3   The Creation

“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth…” what a simple account of something so powerful.  These bible verses teach us of God’s great power as he created the world.  Today we want you to read the bible verse in a real bible if you can or

Listen and watch the bible story here:

The Task:

  1. Once you have read or watched the video of the story of creation, write a list (or draw pictures) of the items that God created.  Share the list with us if you can.

  2. Go out into God’s world today and find something that makes you think “how amazing is it that this has been created”.  You might take a picture of a beautiful flower, or a cone, or a bright coloured beetle, or a bird or a footprint or the river…. The list is endless.

  3. Remember in your prayers tonight, to thank God for the things in the world he created and for the beautiful things you found today.

sc 6June 2021 The creation

New research suggests plants may have intelligence, from a range of senses  like hearing to the ability to learn, remember and think without a brain

Sunday Club 30th May 2021

“Growing” is still our theme with the bible passage coming today form Genesis 1 V29.

God said “Look, I have given you all the plants that have grain for seeds.  And I have given you all the trees whose fruit have seeds in them.  They will be food for you.”

Today we ask you to think about God and how he created an amazing world, providing food and resources for us to survive, we ask that you remember that some communities of the world have much less food than we do.

Let’s celebrate the ability to grow food and beautiful plants.  Please take a photograph of something that you have planted yourself, it could be a sunflower, peas, parsley or strawberries.  If you have not planted anything yourself then please take a photo of local crops growing, a neighbour’s carrots sprouting or the like.  Let us see the beautiful resources we have on our doorstep.

Here is my contribution:

A beginnings of a cucumber.                 Radish.                                              A small strawberry Plant.




Luxury Fruit Basket (Inc. Exotics) - Office and Home Fruit & Veg Boxes |  Delivered Fresh to London Offices and Homes | Ripe.London

Sunday Club  Sunday 23 May 2021

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  There is no law against these things.” Galatians 5:22,23

We have been thinking about God’s world and how things grow.  Today we are thinking about the Fruits of the Spirit.  What kind of fruit do you like?  There are many types aren’t there?  Perhaps you like bananas or apples or grapes or blueberries or pineapple?  God asks us to be like fruit and grow and share our Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control.

What are The fruits of the Spirit:

Love– God loves us, we should try to love others.

Joy- where we are truly happy, happy with God within us.

Peace– comes where we get to know God, perhaps through praying and we have calmness inside.

Kindness– we can be easy to be kind to our friends but harder to be kind to those we like less.

Goodness – is being honest and not doing bad things.

Faithfulness– this is like keeping a promise, to others and to God.

Gentleness– is what it says- be gentle, to others.

Self-control– is where we need to do what is right when at times this is not what we want to do!

These words are explained in the link below with a song:   Fruit of the Spirit Song for Kids – Bing video

Task today:    Make and eat a fruit salad  OR  make a face out of fruit and send us a photo OR Watch this link to see a craft you could do.

The Fruit of the Spirit Kids Craft – Bing video

God gives us all these gifts of the Spirit and we need Him in our lives to grow in faith.

Sunday Club members- has the bird feeder tray that we gave you to make been used by the birds? Do let us know.

In Your Backyard: Looking Closely at Tree Bark – University Housing –  UW–Madison

Grown Ups and Sunday Club!

16th May 2021      Growing with God        Psalm 1 1-6

This week has been mental health week so please have a look at this short video, linking mental health with nature:

Thoughts for today:  What is a rainforest like?  What is a desert like?  Rainforests are green and with lots of plants.  A desert is dry and with less green plants.  There is a difference, just like people in the world.  There are people who want to know God and there are those who do not.

The bible passage today tells us that we are like trees, planted near a river, where we might thrive, be healthy, be strong and grounded.  If we have God in our lives, we will know him better and grow in our faith.


  1. Find a tree and do a bark rubbing- you will need paper/chalk or crayon.  If you do this, please take a photo of the rubbing and see if you are able to find out what kind of tree it is.  Share with us if you can.  Enjoy being outside in the fresh air and connecting with nature.

20210509_102052Christian Aid week 10 - 16th May | All Saints, Clayton-le-Moors

Sunday Club is for everyone today , adults and children!   “Let them sing before the Lord because he is coming to judge the world” Psalm 98 v 9

10th May 2021 is the beginning of Christian Aid week.  As a Sunday Club over the last few weeks, we have been looking at bible stories which include the idea of growing things.  This links in with the Christian Aid theme of Climate Change. Adults and children can find out about the Christian Aid story 2021-   thisischristianaid – YouTube

Task today:

  1. Watch Rose’s story below with a grownup and as you watch it, think about how it makes you both feel? Rose’s story    Christian Aid Week 2020: Rose’s story – YouTube
  2. Ask the grownup to write down the words  (that you feel) on a piece of paper and take a photo of these, and post it onto our face book page.  Any words we get posted, we will try and make into a prayer for another time.
  3. Take a photo of your favourite tree or interesting tree and share it with us.


6 Bible verses about Parable Of The Fig Tree

Sunday 2nd May 2021

Luke 13 v 6-9 Jesus tells the story of a fig tree:  A man had a Fig tree planted in his vineyard.  He came to look at it to see if it had fruit, but there was no fruit.  He spoke to his employee who looked after his vineyard for him and said that as the owner he had checked for the past three years on this Fig tree and it had never had any fruit at all, so he said to the gardener just to cut it down.  The gardener asked his boss if the tree could have just one more year to see if it could produce fruit.   He said he would dig the soil around the roots and use fertiliser on it to see if that would improve things– if it still didn’t grow fruit then it should be cut down.

This short story has many meanings within it:  the fig tree was wanted by the owner, it was wanted by the gardener, Jesus wants us to bear fruit in our lives, to be productive with God’s plan- be kind, generous, do things for others, pray, show our beliefs in how we live.  God always gives us a second chance and we should be like this with others- always encouraging and supportive- this helps us to grow alongside those we help.

Task today and for this week is:

  1. Making Art from Nature -be creative and “make a tree” from outside bits eg twigs/leaves etc  OR
  2. Paint a picture of a tree OR
  3. Take a photograph of a tree for us

Which ever activity you do- please send us a photograph so that we can share it on facebook and the website.

sc 2 May 21 Fig Tree


Scattering Seeds – Daily Dose

Sunday Club Sowing and Growing the seed:  Mark 4: 1-9

Watch the video:

This bible story tells of a man who walked up and down his field throwing seeds this way and that- some landing in the earth some on the path that had no soil at the edge of the field.  Some birds saw these seeds and ate them up. Some of the seeds landed on rocky soil and the sun was shining they grew really quickly but didn’t have a place to grow their roots, so, they died.  Some of the seeds fell amongst thorns and they did grow to start with, but the corn seeds became choked by the thorns.  Some of the seeds did fall onto good ground and they grew and grew and gave a very good crop. This story reminds us that we need something good in our lives that gives us a place to be, a place to put down roots, a place to grow and thrive.  For us, as Christians, that place is having God in our lives, in our families and our church communities.  Always remember that from each of us, great things can grow.

Your task today is to make yourself a scarecrow for your own garden, or you could do some weeding or plant some seeds.  Whatever you do please send a photo to let us see.

Thank you to the youngsters who built the bird tray feeder that we supplied as part of our Easter Activity- they were great.

Here is a useful link, you could download this document where you will find the full story along with some ideas and suggested activities eg:


Lazy_placeholder - Teacher's Pet Classroom Resources

Happy Easter Sunday to all our youngsters and families.

Today’s activity is to watch the short video of the Easter story and if you can with your families try and answer the Easter Quiz.  Do share photos of your Easter day activities if you wish.

Easter Books For Kids Read Aloud – The Usborne Easter Story – Bing video


A Family Easter Quiz:  Try this together and see how you get on…

The answers to the quiz can be found in the bible in Matthew Chapters 16, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28 or Mark 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, or in parts of Luke, 22, 23, 24 and John 20.

  1. Jesus and his friends left Galilee to go to Jerusalem to celebrate which festival?
  1. How did Jesus arrive and enter Jerusalem with his friends?
  1. How did the crowds greet Jesus as he arrived and what did the crowds do?
  1. In Jerusalem, Jesus went to the temple, but he became angry. Why?
  1. The priests and teachers felt Jesus was a trouble-maker- what did they then want to do to him?
  1. Jesus and his disciples spent time together and shared in their festival meal. What did Jesus use to symbolise the body of Christ and what did he do with it?
  1. Jesus knew that he was going to die, and he shared this knowledge with his friends during the meal, what two other important things did he say that two of his friends in the room would do to him very soon?
  1. What do we now call this meal that Jesus shared with his disciples?
  1. Jesus was sad about what he knew was going to happen. He needed to pray.  He went to an olive garden.  What was the name of the garden?
  1. Which disciple betrayed Jesus and told the Roman soldiers where to find him?
  1. How did the soldiers know that they were arresting the correct person?
  1. As Jesus was being arrested, his disciples wanted to fight for Jesus- what happened?
  1. The friend who betrayed Jesus did so for money. How much money did he get?
  1. Jesus was taken to the high council and was accused of blasphemy. They asked him if he was the son of God and Jesus said yes. Who was he then taken to, for a judgement?
  1. At the time it was the custom at the Festival for one prisoner to be released. The Roman Governor asked the crowds of people to choose which criminal to be freed.  Who did they choose?
  1. The soldiers treated Jesus badly as he was led away- what did they place on his head?
  1. What did they shout at him… Hail, King of the ….?
  1. Jesus was nailed to a cross along side two robbers. Where were the men crucified?
  1. Jesus died a painful death on the cross, as he did so, cried out “My God, why have you forsaken me?” Darkness fell, and his followers took him down from the cross. Where did they then put him.
  1. Three days after Jesus had died, who, went to visit Jesus’s body and discovered the body was missing?
  1. What did the angel say about Jesus not being where he ought to have been?
  1. One of the people who discovered Jesus’s body was missing, met Jesus a short time after, but thought he was someone else- who did they think Jesus was?
  1. Jesus had risen again and later he appeared to two of his disciple friends- where did this happen?

If you managed this quiz then you deserve, a well done and perhaps you can eat an Easter Egg knowing that you and your family have reflected on the story and acknowledged the death and resurrection of God’s only son.  Happy Easter!  God bless you.

Easter family quiz 2021



Palm Sunday and our Sunday Club- with story, music and photography task!

Palm Sunday takes place the week before Easter, as Jesus enters Jerusalem as a King.  The story from the bible tells of Jesus, who asks his disciples to go to the town where they will find a donkey and colt.  Jesus asks them to bring the animals to him.  Jesus sat on the donkey and headed into Jerusalem, as he did so, people laid their coats down before him on the road, or used palm leaves to spread in front of him as they shouted “Praise to the Son of David.  God bless the One who comes in the name of the Lord!”  The city was filled with excitement as they honoured the arrival of Jesus.

Today’s task is to:

  1. Think about this story as it reveals God’s plan- we know that Jesus was to be treated as a King, yet in days ahead he would be laughed at, beaten and finally he was to die on the cross.  How do we know this?  Look in a bible, in Matthew 20: 17-19 then look at today’s reading in Matthew 21:1-11.
  2. Watch the video Palm Sunday for children UK version – Bing video
  3. Song for today – Hosanna Rock- find the song here:
  4. Photography task! Go outside and find something that you can use to show the palm leaves on the ground, just like it was for Jesus.  As you do this, think about these words:

They took palm branches and
went out to meet him, shouting,
Hosanna! Blessed is he
who comes in the name of the Lord!
Blessed is the king of Israel. John 12:13


21st Mar 2021

Worship With Kids | St. Nicholas Episcopal Church

Jesus and the Children

As young people (or older people) in our church at GLS and anywhere in the world, you are an important part of our community.  God values you as an individual and the bible tells the story of when Jesus met with many children often brought to him by parents – the disciples wanted Jesus to be left in peace but Jesus said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them;” he says. “For it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.”

Luke 18:16

God asks adults to be like children.  Today you might have many worries, but Jesus is there for us.  Listen to the book “A Huge Bag Full of Worries by Virginia Ironside

Now think of any of your worries, write them down and take them to Jesus in prayer:  use the outline here to help if you like.

 If you would rather you could put your worries in a jar so that you can pray later.

Here is a hymn for today:  What a Friend we Have in Jesus song by

How To Draw Cartoon Money - Money Bag Drawing Easy, HD Png Download ,  Transparent Png Image - PNGitem


A Short History about Mothering Sunday – revPACman

Mothering Sunday has traditionally taken place on the fourth Sunday in Lent.  We are reminded that our expression of “Mothering”  means a caring of others in a nurturing way.  As members of our church, we try to be kind to one another, share peace together as we pray and live a caring life- caring for the world, the animals, the oceans, the skies and the people.  So, this Mothering Sunday we should try and write an acrostic poem using the word MOTHERING.  Here is my example, but you have a go with your family and see what you can come up with.

My world is a shared space
Thanking others
Helping those in need
Ever loving
Remembering the little things
Natures niceness
Graciously grateful

Perhaps you would rather make someone you love “Truffles”- here is a recipe.

Mother’s day truffles – Care for the Family


vanuatu flag

Sunday Club 7 March 2021 – Can you build a house out of Lego?

World Day of Prayer 2021 Vanuatu ‘Build on a strong Foundation’

Each year a different country is chosen to produce the material that is used for the World Day of Prayer.  We at GLS always like to support it with our young people.  This year’s country is the Republic of Vanuatu, an island in the South Pacific.  Even as I write this, Vanuatu is suffering from severe weather.  Do have a look at the link below to tell you about this country and how we can pray for them.

The bible reading within the pdf is about the wise man building his house upon the rock. Look at this modern rap which shares the story:

Watch this link as the LEGO tells it’s own version:

Remember to read the bible verse, Matthew 7: 24-27

Your Task today:  Look at the link for the leaflet, listen to the story rap, watch the short LEGO clip, then build something- out of LEGO if you can (or paper/plasticine/craft materials) whilst doing this think about when we have difficulties in our lives, it is our Strong Foundation, of friends, family and faith that help us through.  Please pray for our friends in Vanuatu and help us all to build a stronger foundation with God.  For a children’s activity sheet use the link here:

Remember to post a photo of any building you do!


Romans 4:18 tells us that “Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed…” He believed against all odds.

Our thought today is for adults as well as children.  In our busy lives just now with all the things we have to do, and the things we are not permitted to do, we can forget that there is Hope; that our situations will improve.  Whether you are at school, having to work from home, not see your friends or family, there is always the Hope that God gives us – he will be by our side through difficult days to give us Hope.

“Tomorrow will be a good day” – Captain Sir Tom Moore reminds us- that is Hope.

This Thursday is World Book Day so please use the link to hear a story about a young mole who is looking for Hope.    Little Mole Finds Hope by Glenys Nellist

Little Mole Finds Hope: 1: Glenys Nellist, Sally Garland,  Sally Garland: Books

Little Mole Finds Hope – YouTube

Once you have watched the link, ask yourself “Where has God given me hope- where can I see it today?”

Our task is to draw or use the template of a cloud to share your thoughts about hope- what brings you hope or what are your dreams..?  Or you could take a photo of the clouds and just tell us.  The template is here below.

Large cloud pattern. Use the printable outline for crafts, creating  stencils, scrapbooking, and more. Fre… | Templates printable free, Cloud  stencil, Cloud template

8+ Rainbow Templates – Free PDF Documents Download | Free & Premium  Templates


Image result for cartoon pictures of jesus baptism

“You are my Son and I love you”. Mark 1 v11. And the bible story can be found in Luke 4, 1-13

Today’s story tells of the life of Jesus, including his baptism and the temptations he faced.  The tasks for this week are:

  1. With a grown up watch the short video here to learn more about the story of Jesus baptism and the temptations before him:
  2. After watching the video answer the following question: List the three temptations that Jesus faces in this week’s story.
  3. Temptations are all around us- think about temptations and what that means to you.
  4. Pick something, each day this week eg a nice cake or sweet, and put it aside- don’t give in to temptation and eat it (perhaps give it away). Jesus had God with him during his temptations- allow God to be with you this week to resist yours.
  5. Use the following link to access printable sheets for this week’s story if you like.


“But whoever gives up his life for me and for the Good News will have true life for ever.”

Mark: 8 verse: 35

PP SC 14 Feb 21 Difficult journeycropped-cofs-stacked_blue.jpg

Image result for helping hands

sc 7 feb 2021 healing


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.                                    1And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love   

1 Corinthians v13 4-7 and 13:    Today’s story comes from Paul as he talks about LOVE.  We think we know what love is?  Our task today is to:

  1. Think about the ways in which we show love to others- Mums, Dads, sisters, brothers, grandparents, neighbours, friends, and strangers. It could be of course giving gifts, or helping, or holding a door open, clearing a path, listening.
  2. Use the template of a heart– draw your own if you can and write up or draw the ways in which you could show love today or this week- let us see a photo of it if you can.
  3. Listen to the songs that explain about Love from this bible passage: For Younger children   Music Video: Love Is (1 Corinthians 13:4-5) – Bing video   For Older children    Love Will Never Fail | Elementary Worship Song – Bing video
  4. Bible verse 13 “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”   Remember that we show faith when we share in our bible activities; we show hope when we say a prayer; and, we can show love in our actions today.  If you or your family have not seen “The Book of Hope” share it with someone today:  The Book of Hopes | National Literacy Trust

heart for 31st Jan 2021The Book of Hopes: Words and Pictures to Comfort, Inspire and Entertain: Rundell, Katherine: Books


Sunday Club

24th Jan 2021

Reading: 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31  for 24.01.21

A person’s body is only one thing, but it has many parts.” v12 and v27 “All of you together are the body of Christ.  Each one of you is a part of that body.” ICB

Different parts of our body do different things.  Each has its’ own purpose – the heart, the lungs, the hands, our feet, our nose, all needed and useful in their own way: just like us as part of the church.  Each one of us has been given a gift by God- you might be good at listening, perhaps great at drawing, fantastic at being a good friend.  Whatever this might be, your gift makes YOU an important part of God’s family.  If we think about a puzzle, we need all the individual pieces of jigsaw to make it complete.  Todays task is to try an online jigsaw, use this link – : Free Online Jigsaw Puzzles (  AND then if you can, make up your own prayer, using the parts of the body.  You can use the outline template here if you wish, or just draw an outline of a body.  I have posted my example here too.

Counseling Tools | The School Counselor Kind - ClipArt Best | Body outline,  Person outline, Human body worksheets


The Body Prayer sc 240121

cropped-cofs-stacked_blue.jpgSunday 17th January 2021

John 1:  43-51

What Are Church Windows. Church windows are windows within… | by Doorwin  Group | Medium      200+ Church Windows ideas | church windows, church, windows  Abbey Church of Scotland | Things of interest in our Church

Over these last few days, we have probably spent time “looking out our window”- seeing snow, sunshine, and watching nature. Windows allow us to do this and they let light in.  We can “look out”, we can say “come and see” from our windows.

In today’s story (John1: 43-51) we have Jesus in Galilee as he meets Philip and says to him, “Follow me”.  Philip invites his friend Nathanael to come and find out about Jesus- Philip says “come and see”.  Nathanael is not enthusiastic but realises Jesus seems to know him already.

When we invite others to “come and see” God, we are sharing a bit of our lives in how we behave, how we speak to others, how we deal with differences and it reveals our faith.  The task today is:  look out of your windowdraw something that you see (you can use the template) and/or if you have not already, but would like to, sign up to the RSPB Bird watch event, then do so now using this link:   (perhaps you are doing this through school already).  Encourage others to join in …and as you watch the wonder of nature out your window, think about the wonder of God that awaits us all. Send a photo of your drawing to us here on our facebook page or to our website.

Out My Window Coloring Page |

sc 17 jan 2021 (1)


Sunday 10th January 2021

Footprints in the Snow | Art UK

Have a look at this website

Scroll down to the picture of the elephant- how many legs does it have?

Scroll down to the picture below the elephant- how many animals can you see in that picture?

Sometimes we see or imagine what we think we see.  When we are anxious about what is ahead or new and we do not know what it will be like, we worry.  Perhaps that is how we feel right now with so many parts of our lives altered or unknown.  Sometimes we have to learn how to keep ourselves safe- just now, washing our hands, keeping a distance, following rules.  This is like walking with God, we learn that he is along side us, no matter what we are facing or how we feel.   The bible reading is from Isaiah 43: 1-7 our thought today is

Verse 5   “Do not be afraid for I am with you”

TASK:  look to the sky and the clouds or stars- imagine what you are seeing in their shape-is it like a dog, a train, angel wings, just like I am seeing as I write this?  What ever it is (and this can be fun to do but remember to stand still otherwise you might walk into something)… Do not be afraid… God is with you.

sc 10 Jan 2021 Do not be afraid


Sunday Club 20th Dec 2020

Nativity Story for our Sunday Club Nativity Sunday  20th December 2020

Our story begins with a reading from two of our Sunday Club members, as they tell of the Birth of Jesus.

Video Link:    you can follow this link or read the script text below-    The Bible Reading- The Birth

 Text:  Bible reading 1

Joseph the carpenter was worried.  Mary the girl he loved, was expecting a baby.  It wasn’t his baby; and they weren’t married.  The gossip had started already.  He would have to break off the engagement.   But that night he had a dream.  And in the dream God’s messenger-angel spoke to him:  “Don’t break off your engagement to Mary,” the angel said.  “She has done nothing wrong.  God has chosen her to be the mother of his Son- the promised King.  You are to call the baby Jesus (the Saviour).  When Joseph woke up, it was as if a great weight had been lifted from his mind.  It didn’t matter what anyone said!  He would marry Mary and take care of her and the baby.  Not long after this the Roman Emperor, Augustus issued an order.  Everyone in the Roman Empire must register at the town his family came from.  Augustus wanted to make sure he had everyone on his list, and that they paid their taxes!

Joseph’s family was descended from King David.  So he had to go to Bethlehem, where King David was born.  He had to take Mary on the long journey south through the hills – eighty miles of rough dirt roads.  The donkey carried their food, warm cloaks for the chilly nights and clothes for the baby who was due to be born any day.   Mary was very tired when they arrived at last.  And there was nowhere for them to stay.  The inn was already crowded with travellers.  The inn-keeper felt sorry for Mary- but the only space he had left was the stable.  It was dirty and smelly in there with the animals.  But at least Mary could rest – and there was nowhere else.

That night Mary’s baby son was born.  She wrapped him up warmly in the clothes she had made, and put him in a manger to sleep.

On the hills around the town, shepherds kept watch, looking after their flocks.  That night was dark and everything was quiet-just a little bleat now and then from one of the sheep.  Then suddenly there was a blaze of light – so bright, the men had to shield their eyes.  And out of the brightness came the voice of God’s messenger-angel.  “Don’t be afraid.  I’ve come with good news-for you and all the world.  The Saviour has come-God’s promised King-born today in Bethlehem.  You will find the baby asleep in a manger.”  Then the shepherds saw a great crowd of angels, all singing praises to God.  “Glory to God in heaven,” they sang, “and peace to all who love him on earth.”  When the angels had gone and the sky was dark again, the shepherds began to talk among themselves.  “We must go to Bethlehem,” they said, “and see what has happened.”  They made sure the sheep were safe.  Then they hurried into the town.  There they found Mary and Joseph- and a new-born baby lying in the manger.  Then they knew that what the angels had told them was true.  They told Mary and Joseph all that had happened.  Then they went back to the sheep, telling everyone they met on the way about the baby and angel’s message.  They sang as they walked along, thanking God for all they had seen.  It was a night they would never forget.

Here is a Poem that we have been sharing with another Sunday Club member: 

Once upon a time,
A long, long time ago.
Begins the story of a baby,
That most of you should know.

His daddy’s name was Joseph,
And Mary was His Mum,
This babe was very special
He was God’s only Son.

Mary rode a donkey,
And Joseph walked along,
While angels watched from afar
Celebrating in song.

When they arrived in Bethlehem,
The couple were turned away,
By keepers of the inn
Telling them of no place to stay.

Now Joseph- he insisted
That his wife had some place to stay,
The keeper told him of a stable
With animals and hay.

Mary and Joseph’s journey ended
In a stable filled with hay,
It was there that Mary gave birth,
To our King on this day.

Some angels came from heaven,
And they began to sing.
To the shepherds in the fields below,
“Glad tidings do we bring!”

Word of the King’s arrival
Soon spread very fast,
The Angels told Shepherds
That a Saviour was born at last.

A bright star lit the heavens,
To light the magi’s way,
To the baby in the manger
Who was born on Christmas day.

And all who gathered round Him,
Rejoiced and praised His birth.
For the babe, the King, named Jesus,
Is our Saviour here on earth!

So as we celebrate Christmas
With sweets and presents and more
Remember we have a Saviour,
Giving us life evermore.

The next bible reading tells the story of the Kings – from Matthew 2 v1-12

Video Link: 

Or Text link: Wise Men come to visit Jesus

Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea during the time when Herod was king.  After Jesus was born, some wise men from the east came to Jerusalem.  They asked, “Where is the baby who was born to be the king of the Jews?  We saw his star in the east.  We have come to worship him.”  When King Herod heard about this new king of the Jews, he was troubled.  And all the people in Jerusalem were worried too.   Herod called a meeting of all the leading priests and teachers of the law.  He asked them where the Christ would be born.  The prophet wrote about this in the Scriptures: But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, you are important among the rulers of Judah.  A ruler will come from you.  He will be like a shepherd for my people, the Israelites’.”  Then Herod had a secret meeting with the wise men from the east.  He learned from them the exact time they first saw the star.  Then Herod sent the wise meant to Bethlehem.  He said to them, “Go and look carefully to find the child.  When you find him, come and tell me.  Then I can go and worship him too.”

The wise men heard the king and then left.  They saw the same star they had seen in the east .  It went before them until it stopped above the place where the child was.  When the wise men saw the star, they were filled with joy.  They went to the house where the child was and saw him with his mother, Mary.  They bowed down and worshipped the child.  They opened the gifts they had brought for him.  They gave him treasures of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  But God warned the wise men in a dream not to go back to Herod.  So they went home to their own country by a different way.

Video link:  The Christmas Story 

Or Text script:   The First Christmas Story

Mary and Joseph were on their way to Bethlehem so that they could be counted.

Mary was going to have a baby.

Mary travelled by donkey and it was a long way.

Bethlehem was busy and it was getting late.

Mary and Joseph needed somewhere to stay but there was no room in the Inn.

But, the innkeeper said they could use the stable at the back.  It was dry and warm.

Later that night, Mary had a baby.  She said, “I will call him Jesus”.

There was a bright star above the stable.

At the same time outside on the hill there were shepherds keeping an eye on their sheep.

Suddenly an angel appeared in the sky and said

“Don’t be afraid.  Follow the star to Bethlehem and find baby Jesus.”

The Shepherds found their way to the stable.

They saw Jesus sleeping in a manger and knelt down to see him.

Meanwhile, three wise men were also going to Bethlehem, following the star.

They knew that Jesus was a King and an important person.

They were looking out for a Palace but the star was shining over the stable.

When they got there, the wise men gave baby Jesus their gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.

The star was shining and angels were singing in the sky, telling the world that Jesus had been born.

Happy Christmas.

Away in a manger:

Another Sunday Club member has been looking at our Christmas prayer:

Prayer for Christmas 2020

Dear God, Thank you for the birth of Jesus and the hope that he brings to the world.

Please help us to pray and act to change the lives of those people who are today, hungry, lonely, cold, homeless, hurting, afraid, anxious and worrying about money.

Give us the strength in our actions to stand up for what is right and fair for the citizens of this world as we ask people to change their life-styles in order to save our planet.

Bless the hospital and care home workers; those who respond to emergencies in their jobs and as volunteers; those who work in schools, in local government jobs, the scientists and politicians; the individuals who provide support in their communities and those who work on the land.  Give them rest and strength to continue.

We thank those individuals and organisations in our own parish who have worked to help others during the Pandemic.  You gave the world your Son in order that he would save us from sin.  We ask that you continue to send blessings to us all as we come through a difficult year.    Help us share the joy of Christmas and know that you remain with each of us, as we face the future with hope and peace.

We ask this in your name


Merry Christmas everyone from GLS Sunday Club

Stay Safe

We always finish our Sunday Club Nativity contribution with the congregation joining to sing: The 12 Days of Christmas.  Here is a version- join in at home.


sc 13 Dec 2020

Top 30 Snoopy Happy Danc GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat


Water Report 2018 | BHP

sc 06 Dec 2020 advent 2


Advent candles  Jeremiah 33:14-16

14 “The days are coming,” announces the LORD. “At that time I will fulfill my good promise to my people. I made it to the people of Israel and Judah.
15 Here is what I will do in those days and at that time.
I will make a godly Branch grow from David’s royal line.”

Today is the first Sunday in Advent.  Advent means “the arrival of an important person or event.” It is an important part of the church year, and throughout the Advent we recognise the coming of Jesus as a baby.

In the bible verse you can see the promise of what is to come- “the godly Branch to grow from David’s royal line”.  This tells us that Jesus will come.

Normally we light a candle in our candle wreath in church to mark Advent.  The first candle represents “Hope”:  our hope for the world, our hope for each other, our hope for the future, our hope for our relationship with God.  Hope is important for us now as it is difficult to see things improving but as you share in our activities below, remember our journey is together through Advent.

Our theme of Hope is highlighted even in the growth of a small plant.  Here is our task for this week:

  1. Go out for a walk and look out for the tiny new bits of growth– a bud on a tree, berries, a little shoot of fresh green in your garden.  What can you see?  Send a photo to our facebook page if you can.

  2. Watch this short animation about a plant who is struggling to survive and see what happens?

  1. Instead of making your own wreath for a candle, why not go out and gather some greenery to make a wee posy – perhaps you will find a bit of holly, ivy or fir- pop them in a vase/glass or bottle and put it on your window sill, it will represent HOPE.

  2. If you are able, do light a candle in the evening and see how it shines in the darkness- this gives us light in dark times- just like God. Always be careful when using candles and only do this with an adults permission!







SC activity 22nd Nov 2020

SC 10 commandments 22 nov 20 pdf


SC activity 08th Nov 2020

Rememberance day

Thank you to our Sunday Club who have painted poppies on stones to acknowledge those who lost their lives in war and to those men and woman who continue to serve our country.

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.”    Part of the poem from Robert Binyon

On Remembrance Sunday we share a link from Poppyscotland about their history and work:

Virtual Sunday club- shares a story about a minister who received the Military Cross for his actions during the First World War.


Sunday club 01st Nov 2020

Today might seem difficult for you, for us, our nation and the world, however these words might inspire us all with hope:  When I am down, and, oh, my soul, so weary.  When troubles come, and my heart burdened be, Then, I am still and wait here in the silence, Until you come and sit awhile with me.  You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains, You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders, You raise me up to more than I can be

The song was originally composed by the duo “Secret Garden”.  The music was written by the Norwegian composer and lyricist Rolf Lovland.  The lyrics were written by Irish novelist Brendan Graham.

Sunday Club:  Today’s bible story is about Moses (Exodus 16: 2-15) as he leads his people on their journey across the desert.  They begin to moan about their situation, feeling thirsty and hungry.  God responds in the story providing water and food.  Watch the short video clip about the water and the “manna” from heaven.  Then, for today, or any day this week, take a cup or tub outside and see if it gathers rain water.  Take a photo of it, send it to our Facebook page and this will remind us that God provides for us everyday in so many ways with basic things we need.  Dear God, we thank you for the gifts of water, food, colour, our families and all that surrounds us. Help us to appreciate your presence in our world.  Amen




The Bible lesson today is about Moses and the parting of the sea.  Exodus 14:19-31

Watch the link below, see and hear the story about the slaves being led out of Egypt in song!

God asks the Israelites to follow Moses but as they flee, they are followed by the Pharaoh’s men who chase them.  Moses and the Israelites are afraid and trapped at the edge of the sea.  God has not made their escape from slaver easy, but he asks them to be still, he will fight for them and save them. Moses raises his staff above the sea- the waves part and the Israelites walk safely across.  The Egyptian army follow but are swept away. Our lives can be like this: obstacles or difficulties seem to be in front of us and God just asks to be calm and still and he will help us. God asks us to have faith in him.

Today’s activity is a science experiment to remind you of this story.  You will need a plate, pepper, water and washing up liquid or soap.  Watch this short link to see how you can “part the red sea”!



Sunday club short intro and task and link attached for Sunday 18th Oct.

sc 18 Oct 20 Moses Burning Bush

Thank you.



sc 11 oct 20 invisible string


sunday club harvest 4 oct 2020


As we continue to think about Harvest, perhaps we can learn from the Ants:  Proverbs 6: 6-8

“Go and watch the ants, you lazy person.  Watch what they do and be wise.  Ants have no commander.  They have no leader or ruler.  But they store up food in the summer.  They gather their supplies at harvest.”

We don’t think any of you or ourselves as being lazy but God’s words here in Proverbs 6 remind us that there is much we can do for ourselves and others without being told what to do.  Today’s Sunday club activities include:

  1. watch this short video about Ants- grown-ups will like this too I am sure:

  2. make a list of all the jobs you can do this week without being told to or asked. If you like you can make your own ant using an egg-carton- this link will show you how:      OR

  3. Put some jam or sugar outside on the ground or in a wee dish and see if any ants appear – watch what they do.

  4. Prayer for today. Dear God thank you for the amazing insects in this world including ants, as they remind us that even although we are very small we can contribute to the work of our church, community and at home.  We are sorry for any times when we have not been as helpful as we should have been.  Please help us to remember all those who bring in the “harvest” from our lands, help them know that we think of them and are grateful for all they do.  Amen


6 September 2020 Lost Sheep


Father’s DayToday is Father’s Day, 21 June 2020.

Go to this Sway


  PP sc trinity 7 june 2020


montage of squirel Park Bench 2020
The Sunday Club Group meets weekly, generally during term time within the Sunday services.  Any alterations to this are posted either on our Facebook page or on Posters outside the churches.  Our small group actively participates in the life of the church and beyond. Our youngsters take part in many services throughout the year and are an important part in the life of GLS.  During our group sessions we consider aspects of the bible, share in fellowship together and undertake activities that relate to Christian beliefs.

Our group of loyal youngsters would be happy to welcome any new children who would like to come along to our Sunday group.   It is open to anyone aged 3 or above who would be interested in joining us.  We actively support all young people – teenagers and young adults are made most welcome.

Sunday club news…… Sunday club news……..